So about the cure...


Well-Known Member
How is it supposed to feel when you squeeze it when it is curing?
Is it supposed to be "wet"?
is it supposed to crunch and bounce back?
I know it's not supposed to turn to dust.
Please explain to me what it should feel like, what I should see, what it will smell like over different periods of time.
The thing is I'm not sure if I am totally fucking it up.
Can you cure in the jars with the rubber seals and the clamp in the front?
What is the best jar?
Is there a best jar?


Active Member
From my limited experience.

I find mason jars with a screw on lid work very well. If you use the clamp jars make sure it's a good one as the cheaper ones leak "lesson learned".
When I jar the bud is still fairly moist in the center the leaves and 1/8-1/4" of the buds surface feels dry, with long stems on to slow my drying, I wait until the stem side is on the snapping side, while the bud area stem is slightly cracking
Curing the outside should feel just between dry and damp, when it starts feeling damp-moist you air it out. The inside should still be fairly moist, you'll be bleeding that out slowly. How long you air it out depends on varying factors, temperatures, bud density etc.
A good cure the bud will feel almost silky in texture.

I have the best luck when it's moist enough that it needs to be aired frequently early on, burping 6-8 hours and reducing over a weeks period, after that point they are burped 3-6 more times over the next few weeks. I can never get it go the whole way like it should, but it comes out extremely well.

Edit: when you air it out, be sure to dump it out, also shaking up the jars frequently to break up the buds helps.


Well-Known Member
My buds kinda crunch a bit when I squeeze them... I don't think I will ever get to the "silk" feeling! Grr I have hygrometers (granted, cheap pet store ones) but they say that I'm siting @ like 70% but it just really really seem to be too dry. They don't crumble @ all they just crunch and it feels soft on the inside... I did pretty good @ my grow but this cure shit is hard!


Well-Known Member
this time i hung until cracking sound but no snap. then i trimmed off stems and placed in mason jar with lid off. so far so good. putting the lid on more and more as they dry up a bit, and i take them out and reverse daily


Active Member
I forgot, you can also go by smell if it starts smelling like mildew, let it air out. Once it starts smelling dank jar it up and shake it up.


Well-Known Member
Well mine were hanging on their stems for 2 days jarred em. They went up 90+ rh. I took em out and put them in 3 paper bags.. Left em for 12 hours put em back in the jar and have been burping randomly... They have went from 75 rh to about 65 rh. They smelled like hay then like dank now they smell a lot like nothing...

Edit: this has been done over a 2.5 week process...