Smoking Rock Wool


Active Member
If I Smoke Bud That Was Coated In Rock Wool Out Of A Bong Then Wouldnt The Water Filter Out The Rock Wool Metals>?>>>>


Well-Known Member
Of course not ! If you smoke this MJ your going to have some very serious health problems. You need to throw it away or return it to who sold it to you and demand your $$$ back.


Well-Known Member
I think you need to invest in a gun and go get your money back right now. If he gives you it back without any trouble, still teach him a lesson for trying to kill you.


Well-Known Member
Why would someone gamble and risk their health on something like this? Weed isnt that expensive. Find another source or grow your own.


Dude, don't smoke that weed, if it has rockwool in it it probably has other crap in it too, i saw the pix you posted in the other thread and it looked like a growers trash, and i don't mean the trash leaf trimmings i mean a literal trash can from a grow room, what if there is some cloning solution like vita-grow spilled on it that dried into it, that would really fuck you up bad...........when in doubt throw it out..........