Smoking Males?


Active Member
i started a cfl grow, and my parents are cool with it.
i was wondering if the one seed i plant turns to be a male, what parts of the plant can i smoke. I understand it wont be as good as a female, but for my first grow, i will be happy with a decent blunt.



Well-Known Member
males dont grow bud, u can read up about making hash from male plants. i would not advise smoking anything a male produces


Well-Known Member
---------yes u can smoke it me and my boy smoke them afer i chop them .it will give u a buzz .i dont care what anybody says try it u tell me


Well-Known Member
LOL, sure you can smoke him. It won't be anything like a nice fat sticky bud but you can smoke it and get a pleasant buzz. Especially after all the work you put into it. But, I'd recommend doing it before the pollen sacs mature and open up. They get kinda messy at that point.


Active Member
thanks camaro630hp...i have nothing to lose really...
i heard it was possible, and the fact that i am a lightweight makes smoking anything more enjoyable
i also heard that the hit was a bit harsh, not as smooth as actual bud, but maybe i can get a blunt AND some hash out of it....
brownies anyone? :)


Well-Known Member
The male plant dosent tast that good .but it gets the job done
thanks camaro630hp...i have nothing to lose really...
I heard it was possible, and the fact that i am a lightweight makes smoking anything more enjoyable
i also heard that the hit was a bit harsh, not as smooth as actual bud, but maybe i can get a blunt and some hash out of it....
Brownies anyone? :)