Small growing


Well-Known Member
man you are more of a newb then i am hahaha cuz u can put on 12/12 from start dumb ass u will get small plants and will get bud
why is this a pissing match? he offered his best support, you do the same. Instead of replying with useless garbage.


Well-Known Member
why is this a pissing match? he offered his best support, you do the same. Instead of replying with useless garbage.
i know i shouldnt be talking shit but im a newb and i even kno tht but best info i can give this thread starter is if u want small plants n some bud maybe yeilding about 1/4 an O then do 12/12

past times

Well-Known Member
with the topping at 4 inches you just want to snip or pinch the top grow shoot. it will make you have 2 main head instead of one.


Well-Known Member
Get an Indica strain, keep CFLs 1-2 inches from top of plant at all times, switch to 12/12 when it is 4'' tall. Give it lots of light. See what happens :D


Well-Known Member
i know i shouldnt be talking shit but im a newb and i even kno tht but best info i can give this thread starter is if u want small plants n some bud maybe yeilding about 1/4 an O then do 12/12
We dont care how much of a newb anyone is, this isnt a place to talk shit. The way i think of this place is a healthy community of good people that all have a passion for marijuana. Not stuck up pricks that try and put down all the beginners with questions. Ima take you back to kindergarden, IF YOU DONT HAVE SOMETHING NICE TO SAY THEN DONT SAY NOTHIN AT ALL!


Well-Known Member

From what I understand In order to grow something worth while in the space you have you dont want a large container. You want a small container so the roots get rootbound and the plant doesn't get large. The size of the container shouldnt be more than 2 inches across the top and 3 inches deep. I have seen pictures of plants in one inch net pots that were stunted.

Although this would work with any plant, starting out with an early flowering indica would be best. Get your seedling up to about 8 inches tall and flower her. Your plant shouldnt get taller than 15 inches. Just be sure you get not only water but oxygen to the roots.

What I would do is get a one or 3 inch net pot and line it with screen. Set it in a larger container and keep a small amount of water in the bottom of the larger container let the soil wick the feed up to her. I would hand water until the roots were long enough to hit the moist bottom. Unless you use rockwoll. Then water every 3 days or more as rockwoll retains moisture very well and you could over water very easily. You dont want rockwool in standing water, you will drown them.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member

From what I understand In order to grow something worth while in the space you have you dont want a large container. You want a small container so the roots get rootbound and the plant doesn't get large. The size of the container shouldnt be more than 2 inches across the top and 3 inches deep. I have seen pictures of plants in one inch net pots that were stunted.

Although this would work with any plant, starting out with an early flowering indica would be best. Get your seedling up to about 8 inches tall and flower her. Your plant shouldnt get taller than 15 inches. Just be sure you get not only water but oxygen to the roots.

What I would do is get a one or 3 inch net pot and line it with screen. Set it in a larger container and keep a small amount of water in the bottom of the larger container let the soil wick the feed up to her. I would hand water until the roots were long enough to hit the moist bottom. Unless you use rockwoll. Then water every 3 days or more as rockwoll retains moisture very well and you could over water very easily. You dont want rockwool in standing water, you will drown them.

Good luck.
Im kinda sceptic about this idea but im not the one to say he is wrong. But those net pots are for hydro use. If you wonna have a small pot then just use a disposable cup with holes in the bottom. Save you some $$$.


Active Member
hey maybe you guys can answer something for me? i got three sprouts right now i dont want to get to large to small since its in closet i was thinking maybe 3 or 4 feet shoudl a 1 gallon space do well or will i need two gallon?