Slugs. I Really Hate These Guys!

grow space

Well-Known Member
Grow space...I'm not breaking your balls or nothing...but putting salt anywhere near your plants is NOT a good thing. There are plenty of other things to use to avoid salt use. Its alright to use salt if you're 12 and want to watch the slugs melt. But as far as plant health is concerned, salt is prolly the worst thing you can use.
yeah man-i know-BUT PUT THE SALT AS FAR AWAY 4 YOUR PLOT AS YOU CAN!!!!-now man-tell my, how can that insure your not saing that put the salt just under you plant-i know salt kills plants, but hey man-read one more time my first post and maybe youl understans.anyway-ignore list-here you come....


Well-Known Member
copper pipe.

in the uk we use this around our raised beds. slugs and snails wont pass over the copper for some reason. place a copper ring around your plant then for added security some wildlife safe slug pellets. do read up on what they contain some do have salt added.

slug pellets work. try getting ones that are harmless too wildlife.

dusk with a headlamp works too find those sneeky ones and then remove while they are feasting. after any rain it is best too go have a quick walkround and remove any you find


Active Member
sorry to dig this post up, but im having the same problem in new england on my plot.. i found that the beer and cup thing works, but i was only getting 2-3 sluggs in each cup.. the granuals work way better, they slow the slugg way down before it dies so if you do a ring of the suff the sluggs are dead before they hit the MJ.. copper also works it creates a reaction with the sluggs slime and it feels like they are getting 'shocked'.... but copper is expensive these days. Also hand picking although a pain in the ass is very effective, and you can take your aggression out on the fuckers for eating your shit (i kill them around the MJ and leave them dead kinda as a crude 'bug juice' which people have said also works)


Well-Known Member
sorry to dig this post up, but im having the same problem in new england on my plot.. i found that the beer and cup thing works, but i was only getting 2-3 sluggs in each cup.. the granuals work way better, they slow the slugg way down before it dies so if you do a ring of the suff the sluggs are dead before they hit the MJ.. copper also works it creates a reaction with the sluggs slime and it feels like they are getting 'shocked'.... but copper is expensive these days. Also hand picking although a pain in the ass is very effective, and you can take your aggression out on the fuckers for eating your shit (i kill them around the MJ and leave them dead kinda as a crude 'bug juice' which people have said also works)
I had slugs in my veggie garden and when I killed them more would come and eat the remains. Good to see another New England grower!


Active Member
"I had slugs in my veggie garden and when I killed them more would come and eat the remains. Good to see another New England grower! "

well then i guess i should be whipping the remains of my sluggs in the woods... Thanks for the heads up!

yeah it is good to see a local, i get mad looking at all these Cali. growers with their perfect outdoor conditions hahah. How are you liking this non-stop rain we have been having for the past month... its spossed to go for another month which sucks... i know MJ likes rain, but damn we need some sun in there too!!!


Active Member
ohh yeah i used the Diatomaceous earth from my pool filter around the base of the plants in a ring and the slugs hate the shit, the coupled with the slug killer is keeping my plants nice and safe, slugs are almost smart though i caught one traveling down a stake from a plant, avoiding the ring of diatomaceous earth, when i squeezed out what he had ate it was all mj leaves :(...... moral of the story keep an eye on the plants no matter what you are using as a repellent, its a never ending battle

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
ohh yeah i used the Diatomaceous earth from my pool filter around the base of the plants in a ring and the slugs hate the shit, the coupled with the slug killer is keeping my plants nice and safe, slugs are almost smart though i caught one traveling down a stake from a plant, avoiding the ring of diatomaceous earth, when i squeezed out what he had ate it was all mj leaves :(...... moral of the story keep an eye on the plants no matter what you are using as a repellent, its a never ending battle
hey spas is your pool open yet? i plan to open mine this week i hope if the rain hold off. itis supose to get warm this week. hell of a summer we are having. i know the first day was just recent but my pool is usually open for a month already.


Well-Known Member
to day me and johnny went out ther4e and raised them out of the hole we had them in and put them in idividual pots. and we didnt put them back in the hole we put bords over it so there is less of a chance slugs will get to it. well prolly try the pellet idea that sounds pretty good


Well-Known Member
to day me and johnny went out ther4e and raised them out of the hole we had them in and put them in idividual pots. and we didnt put them back in the hole we put bords over it so there is less of a chance slugs will get to it. well prolly try the pellet idea that sounds pretty good
dude...the slug pellets work amazing. I put that shit down 3 days ago and it was like the A bomb dropped on Hiroshima for the slugs...just melted remains left overnight!!!!! Take that bitches!!


Well-Known Member
So I ended up using the salt circle. :wall: I really wish I hadn't.
Anyways my plants are now healed from the salt and slugs and ants and I am back with some picks for you guys! :)


fried at 420

Well-Known Member
get like a lil tupperware container like wen i say little i mean like cream cheese tupperware fill with beer and watch the majic overnite they are attracted to yeast


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice guides!
Thankfully at my new location slugs haven't been a problem.
I just wanted to post some pics of my healed plants.
I wish I had taken some pics of what the salt did. They didn't dig it at all.


Well-Known Member
4 pieces of copper pipe 4 inches long each made into a square around the base of the stock.
The slugs won't cross over the copper pipe.