Slow Grow


Active Member
Have 6 White Widow transfered to 4X Rockwool at 2 ml/L Nutrients

Water Cycle Drip 1X per DAY 15 Minutes(Cubes are wet enough)

After 3 weeks in Veg the plants look very healthy but are only 60-70mm in height? This seems a little slow? Have 6 Flouescents at 4-5" from tops



Smoky McPot
put the floros 1"-2" away from tops. Not sure if thats the problem if you have a problem but it's just a suggestion. Floros wont burn unless they are touching for a long time so putting them closer can only be beneficial.


Well-Known Member
Height isn't always the best way to measure growth. How many sets of leaves you see is a good indicator, and you'll know you've hit the next stage of maturity when you start to see new branches growing out of the old ones. It'll happen, give it time grasshopper.


Active Member
All is going well know, plants are 19" tall and very healthy looking. I have one plant that looks very healthy but at the base of the stem it is darkened and become smaller in diameter. I place a stick in the rockwool and tied a string for support.

Has anyone seen this problem, very green until the last 1/2" it looks dark and does not support the plant, but the plant still looks healthy???