Site To Buy Painkillers Online


Well-Known Member
This is just for informational purposes of course and I'm not linked to the forum in anyway as a little disclaimer.

But I wanted to know if anyone would recommend any sites online that sell painkillers. I know that there's a couple that sell prescription grade ephedrine (which can be used for stuff like ADD and narcoleptics). However I'm interested in finding a site that would sell oxycodone/percocet. Most of the time the site will say something about how they will sell it and ship it to you but if they catch it at the border during screening then you lose your money.

If someone has any suggestions I'd really appreciate it.
pain killers suck oxy condone and percocet leads to oxycotton if you havent done it already.. which leads to heroin! thats all oxycotten is synthetic heroin. those drugs release high amounts of dopamine in the brain just like heroin..

they are all very physical addicting! I have family and friends whos lives have been destroyed by prescription pain pills and or heroin

the pills are great if your in severe SHORT TERM pain and im not a doctor but thats all i would use them for...not trying to be your parent or anything but just saying what I see first hand. Smoke for pain or take something non addicting IMO

o ya and why are these fucking addicting pain pills legal but mj is not!!??? who fucking knows shit dosnt make any sense if you ask me!