Single ball sacs with pistils coming out?


Well-Known Member
I harvested my plant today and when I was taking my time trimming it before drying,and noticed these little sacs.They are only the size of maybe one seed each...but...there are pistils coming out of the tips.Anyone seen this?


Well-Known Member
i should take some pictures.I just chopped a branch off the plant and it had one or two of these on it...I picked it off and pulled out the hairs as they were a fair size,and the little "pod" was hollow,no seed.But they are coming directly off the main stalk,and the quick dried stuff I've tried doesn't have ANY seeds so I'm sure its what you guys are talking about and not pollination...its only my second grow so excuse the newb-ness....


Well-Known Member
either that or his plant hermied which just happened to me and thats what the seeds came out of, pistil sacs cause it wasnt pollinated by another plant, but it could be the first assumption, w/e if im right enjoy the seeds you get bud, wont be many but they will be mature and you didnt lose any bud weight!


Well-Known Member
Its all good. That is where the seed is formed. Right inside the green pod.(calyxes)
Sorry i am not in a good mood.


Well-Known Member
okay keep posted on this I'm gonna take some pics tomorrow and show you guys what they really look like....pollination from other plants seems to be feesable beacuse they are only on one SIDE of the plant...the one facing the wildlife within a couple of feet.I've yet to find a seed so I don't think it went hermie and I've smoked some quick dried and its as good as anything I buy,would hermie not be a lot less potent!?


Well-Known Member
Anything that's putting its energy towards growing seeds is going to be less potent. Hermaphrodism can be stopped, people use something from Dutch Masters called Reverse (in conjunction with another product called Penetrator) to stop seed formation. If you ever get buds filled with little malformed seeds, it may be bud that was hit with this stuff. I'll try to get a close-up of a fat calyx for you, my girls are getting a lot of them (and, I had a plant herm out on me during the ONE week I was out of town). I've already found some seeds in the quick-dried buds, too.


Active Member
I have two plant I just chopped on day 73 of flowering because they started getting seeds all over the lower buds. They had white hairs coming out of them.They are hard and when you smash one they have white goo in them. Sound like a hermie?