@Richard Drysift mentioned the other day "For clones or seedlings with tender young roots use spent or recycled soil without adding amendments".
Something I was thinking of doing for a few seedlings next grow along side others that will be in ff light warrior. Anyone see a downside to using soil that you just harvested from?
Not a downside, but certainly a caution, since spent soil has been my go to for years. It involves neem cake.
There is a caution on the Neem Resources website warning about neem cake amounts and seeds, seedlings, and young plants. I take that warning seriously and avoid neem cake in those instances. NBD
What I DIDN'T consider was neem residue from heavy use in spent soils.
For the last several years neem cake has been my go to for everything. Adding to fresh mixes and top dressing to pretty much the exclusion of any other N sources. I didn't overapply it, but it was a steady diet.
It wasn't till losing my entire garlic crop this year till the light bulb came on and everything fell into place. With garlic, you amend the initial mix and do one top dressing in very early spring over a 8 month growing cycle. With only 2 additions of amendments over 3/4 of a year you really know just what's in there. No random top dressings you may have forgotten about.
This led back to the spent soil I had used for seed and clones and problems encountered and the Ah Ha moment. The spent soil came from pepper plants fed with mainly just neem/karanja and kelp meal top dressings unti the killing frost. Then the containers sat outside till the following (this past), spring. Still had live worms and smelled/felt beautiful. But problems with starting seeds and clones.
Made no sense till a discussion about garlic seeds and everything clicked. Garlic does not produce seeds per se. The cloves (seeds), are actually small plants much like onion sets. I never really considered them as seeds till that discussion caused all the connections to become clear.
Hell, it only took a bit over 3 years, but better late than never, right?