Should my plant smell like weed?


Well-Known Member
I know this may sound like a stupid question but I have 2 plants that i have grown from seeds i found in some weed i bought. I know its not a good idea to grow this way but i have anyway.
One of the plants smells really strong like proper weed but the other doe'nt smell like anything at all?
Should i just get rid of the weak smelling one as i think it may be crap?
Any advice anyone?


Well-Known Member
I've had both of these happen to first grow my plant didnt smell until flower..the grow I'm on now I could smell like a couple weeks into veg...No sense in getting rid of the weak smelling one..shoot for all we know it could be your most potent either way it free weed haha


Well-Known Member
Also sense you only have two whaqt if you threw out the female and kept the male then it would be all for nothing


Well-Known Member
Also sense you only have two what if you threw out the female and kept the male then it would be all for nothing


Well-Known Member
it seems to be bothering you so get rid of it,or smoke it and concerntrate on the better one..


Well-Known Member
listen to smoke and keep the cretin. dont want any balls on your only plant...


Well-Known Member
I've had both of these happen to first grow my plant didnt smell until flower..the grow I'm on now I could smell like a couple weeks into veg...No sense in getting rid of the weak smelling one..shoot for all we know it could be your most potent either way it free weed haha
to possibilities on that:
-either you got two different strains with maybe similar characteristics
-or you got one strain but two sexes there

if last is the case you have two options now, simply kill off the male one or keep it for a bit longer until the balls are well developed, that takes about 4 weeks and then cut it down but keep a branch with balls sit in a water glass separate from the female one. with the pollen you gain from the branch you kept you can pollunate one of the lower buds on your female and get on this way seeds for your next grow. great source for independent seed supply:)

if you interested into this search for a thread videoman made about 1 or 2 weeks on pollination;)


Well-Known Member
I've had weed go full term through flowering with nothing but a minty sort of smell. And I've smoked it and it did the job.

I wish I could tell you about how I got it, but my source is a complete jackass and anything I repeated would probably be a complete lie.


Well-Known Member
heat was a big prob if my friend's grow. the plants didn't smell at all as they weren't potent. the buds dried an ultra floral smell which tasted unbelievable. but you could toke all day long and not catch a buzz.


Well-Known Member
Do not throw either one out until they show sex. I had 7 plants going and I can tell you there's no correlation between smell and sex. Two of the plants that had the skunkiest smell turned out to be males and I had to chop them. be patient and wait. You will be happier in the long run. BTW, out of the 7, I ended up with 2 females.
I have a Columbine gold plant growing right now and it diddnt even smell up into about month june ths year. It smells like a very resin crusted skunk smell. I was worries about mine but i knew it would produce sum goodass bud. still waiting though!


Well-Known Member
Nothing wrong with growing bagseed in soil. Nothing wrong with your plant either. Some stink to high heaven, some don't. Just grow them, weed out the males, and keep at it.