Should I trim her?


Actually nevermind. I just really looked at her and the fan leaves aren't blocking any light from getting to bud sites.


Well-Known Member
No, you shouldn't.....however, you might want to consider pinching off any popcorn buds down low that are stealing the food and energy from your cola/top buds. Those fan leaves are the energy source for the plant, when the plant has no more use for them, they will yellow and drop of all by themselves.


I want to top her but I'm letting her be. I fucked up my first try at growing and this being my 2nd is going great so I'm afraid to fuck her up. I think I will let her be this grow. i have # ladies in my SOLO cup grow. Think I should top them?


Well-Known Member
Don't ever clip fan leaves unless 1. they are yellow and or dying 2. they are blocking bud sites from sun 3.your and idiot. j/k

big bud 56

Active Member
Topping is very easy to do.Just bend and break off the inner growth of each bud site and you will then get two growths/bud sites instead of one,it doubles your yield.
I want to top her but I'm letting her be. I fucked up my first try at growing and this being my 2nd is going great so I'm afraid to fuck her up. I think I will let her be this grow. i have # ladies in my SOLO cup grow. Think I should top them?


Well-Known Member
topping should be done before the switch to flower in my opinion, once flowering starts you want the plant to put energy into flowers which is what it will try and do, trying to grow 2 new colas 2 weeks into flower wont give the best results in my opinion and u should just let it grow on its own now. I wouldn't trim any fan leaves ever unless they had pests living on them,, m,uch later in flower u might want to trim off the lower popcorn buds so energy is refocused to the top colas buds, this is done because the lower ,buds wont mature as fast as the top buds, by cutting off this growth the energy and nutrients goes into making denser better buds at the top, but this is a quality over quanity choice and u will have a bigger yield by keeping the popcorn as well. Some people even harvest there plants tops first and then let the ylower growth keep going for another week or 2 until they are mature then harvest them


Well-Known Member
check out the autoflower solo cup contest we all did it but you wont yield more than 14g probably at the most.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion its a waste of a bean and disrespectful to the genetics, not saying you can't yield a nice quarter oz...

A lot of curious people like you want to do the same thing, basically it gets root bound very quick, a lot of threads on that topic
Autoflowers will perform in solo cups but throw anything in a 2L hempy or even 1 gallon, and you'll never try to waste a bean on a SOLO cup ever again

By all means Do what you want, make your own educated decision as others have. But i would still suggest in the end you transplant it and don't waste your time and or light where it could be used more ideally.

Be well



Well I have my big girl to get a bigger yield from. It's all for personel use so a big yield isn't a big deal. Also they are all from bagseed so not a big deal to use those seeds for the SOLO cup flowers either.


Well-Known Member
It's all for personel use so a big yield isn't a big deal.
I grow just for personal use to and yield is probably the biggest deal in my opinion, I mean I didn't spend slightly over a thousand dollars to grow my own only to run out in a few weeks after harvest, which has only happened to me every time so far :?