Short Rider Questions


Well-Known Member
hi all, been lurking here for awhile now and have gathered a ton of info. apparently not quite enough though. i bought some nirvana short rider seeds, which are now nearly two weeks old, before i discovered the problems some people are having with them not autoflowering. my grow space is small, 2.5 X 2.5 X 3.5 high. i don't have room for 3'+ plants. i'd really appreciate some opinions on how long i should wait for them to flower before putting them on the 12/12 schedule others have used. and from what i've read, it seems once they've flowered some go back to 20/4. right now they're under 6500k cfl's and growing well. any and all input would be appreciated. glad to have the opportunity to post. there is such a tremendous amount of info here that i really haven't had any questions thus far.​
I grow Diesel Ryders and Blue Diesels (both autoflower strains) and I use 24 hour light through the duration. They handle it nicely. That's one of the advantages of growing an AF, you don't have to worry about going 12/12.


I have about the same space and i place mine into flowing at about 18 inches and dont do a 36 hour dark shock i just put them straight to 12/12 and they are well over 32 inches before in the two or three weeks it takes them to start flowering. works great for me!!


Give the Short Rider another week to flower. It can take 3 weeks. It would help to see a photo.


Well-Known Member
here are a few pics... they're just at two weeks in soil. they each spent the first week under their own 26w 6500k cfl, and their second under 43w 6500k cfl's. my plan was to put them under the 200w 2700k bulb after three weeks. they've been on a 20/4 schedule. no nutes yet, just the fox farms ocean forest. was going to start them on pure blend bloom at 1/4 strength after three weeks too. i noticed today that they're starting to become aromatic. lol



Well-Known Member
They just aren't flowering yet. I have 3 AF's going under a spare 600W HPS I hung in Veg room. I have 2 Diesel Ryder & a 60 Day Wonder. The Diesel look far behind the 60 Day Wonder, but it looks like the Diesel will yield way better. Yours need a few more internodes and they wll be on thier way.


Well-Known Member
lol dude.. be happy those things arent flowering yet , i'd say if they dont start in 2 weeks id be concerned, but maybe even 1 more week it might start.. mine have always shown sex at 3 weeks peace


New Member
My Short Riders didn't start autoflowering til about 5 weeks into it. I thought the same thing you did for a while but they'll flower for you. Both of my plants showed sex at about 3 weeks from sprout, and 2 weeks later they were flowering. I'm a week and a half into it and already they're getting stinky, so be prepared.

They grow very bushy, but they stay short! I'm very impressed with them actually, but Im a newb grower. In my journal a guy leaves a post on the first page with some pics of his short rider, I would recommend seeing it. His truly will get hyped about your short rider, it looks frost fck!:weed:



Well-Known Member

I have a grow going, the plant is a short rider female that never got taller than 17 inches. chick on hellbox 2010 to go there.