Short Rider Auto/Fem, Kaya Gold Fem, Mr.Nice-Sour Grapefruit Kush


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Whats up everyone! I'm back with a 3rd grow journal after last years let down. Got some nasty milder just 3 weeks from finish and lost my baby. Gotta nice tax return this year and bought 10 Short Rider Feminized Auto Flower seeds and 10 Kaya Gold Feminized. Also recently i helped 1 of my roommates move to cali to live with a group of growers they hooked me up with 5 seeds from when a Sour Grapefruit Kusk pollenated a Mr.Nice...being a cross breed i'm hoping for some sticky buds out of em.

I started out sprouting 3 of the auto's about +6 weeks ago but about a week and a half ago i decided to pop 1 of the kaya golds and 1 mr.n/sgk to get a some taller plants going in the months to go. And being the lover of this beautiful plant i startes 2 more kaya golds a day ago in my favorite expanding peat blocks in a humidity dome like all my other plants. I potted the 3 auto's into red party cups untill they started growing hairs after 10 days i transplanted to 8" pots to finish them out. You can see i've sine put the 2 in their onw party cups and the 2 in the dome.

When the 1st 3 sprouted i started with 2 65w 27k cfl's pumping out 4100 lumens about 4" above em. As they grew i added 1 26w 27k but when i transplanted the 3 they're taking up more space i added 2 26w 65k's since spectrum doesn't matter much with the auto's. And yet more bulds were to be added when i put the 2 new sprouts in their cups i now have a total of 2x65w 27k, 3x26w 65k and 1x26w 27k in a space about 3 sqft. My simple math says i have 14,750 lumens though more will be added as they grow. I plan to change up the room in weeks to come with this flourescent pannel and all the spare bulbs i have i shouldn't have any lighting issues haha :mrgreen:

I'm growing in the closet of a spare room. It measures 2'Dx6'Wx8'T but currently i have a metal rack in supporting the lights and mylar stretched over a piece of plexi i had leftover.



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As you can see 1 of my auto's was topped, i didn't think it was possible but thankfully she did it to herself. As the 3rd tier grow out 2 large finger like leaves popped then 2 smaller in the opposit dirrection then didn't grow for like a week and a half. I decided to clip the abnormal growing leaf set then the fans below quickly began to compensate.



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Dam i smoked a little too much earlier when i 1st posted lol and left out some info. Having sprouted them all with expanding peat cubes i used Whitney Farm's Uncle Malcoms Organic Potting Mix. I can't afford the real good nutes but i seem to be doing quite fine with the what i've got. Since i'm working with auto's right now i've been mixing Alaskan Fish Fert Morbloom mix(0-10-10) and Miracle Grows Organic Choice nitrogen(8-0-0) along with the occasional B-1 micro nutrience and every now and then a couple drops of superthrive. I use mostly what i can get cheap or steal from work lol. Of course i mix at 1/4 ratio or less depending which nutes i'm mixing and the supertrive only calls for a couple drops per gallon. I don't like using it alot cuz my neighbor grew his last batch with it in every feeding and it all tasted like smoking wood. Lights are on a intermatic lamp timer for 19/5 thru the auto's cycle once they're done and pluck i'll reallt kick the 3 kaya golds and mr.n/sgk to 24/0, i want em all about 4-5' tall when they're done flowering


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I don't know how it happened but i think i nute burnt 1 of my girls 5 days ago. I've flushed about 4 gallons of water thru but still sad looking. The other plants are perfectly fine and thats what i don't understand...unless the other 2 ate up all the nutes due to how far along they are into flower...idk for sure

Any thoughts anyone?



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This is my 3rd grow but sadly i haven't had any success with past grows. 1st died due to a newb move of over fertilizing. 2nd grow was about 3 weeks from plucking and f*&king mites moved in and trashed everything. I could still use any advice from those with experience cuz i'm still learning and looking to gain all the know-how i can


Active Member
Thanks yo! I've still got the 2 frosty beauts about ready i just hate seeing this happen when everything else is fine you know lol :/


Well-Known Member
your stuff looks good. im really interested to see how they all turn out TBH. im thinking of getting some autos for their quickness, and judging by those latest pics i think i just might have to order some beans. im also a new grower, started on my 1st plant (in my sig), then planted another (that one is going straight 12/12. gonna see if i can do it 12 all the way thru). right now the big one is around 82 days total, ~7 days flowering. im hoping she'll be ready by july 4th, then ready to smoke by the end of july. the smaller one is about a month in, gonna start feeding her small amount of nutes really soon. maybe she'll be ready around the same time. fingers crossed.

whats some of the info on the soil and lights you are using? nutes? how long have they been going for? you doing 24/7, 18/6, 12/12 all the way thru?


Active Member
Yeah thanks they've been getting so frosty :)

I've been using Whitney Farms organic potting, nutes are Alaskan Fish Morbloom(0-10-10) and Miracle Gro Organic Choice nitrogen(8-0-0) also organic B1 and occasionally Superthrive. I aslo have regular Alaskan fert(5-1-1) but not using it now for the auto's. I will be on the Kaya Gold durring veg.

Would you say the topped auto baby was nute burnt or mites or something...?


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Been mad busy at work and with this girl i met lol, and there have been some developements. After starting a thread in the "problems" forum i believe i had nute lockout due to a mean spike in ph from the citys tap, i haven't had a single problem till now. Ph of the water was averged 7.3 days ago, 1 reading came out at 7.5 :| so i tested my soil in all pots. It had shifted from 6.4-6.5 up to 7.1 one day, now realizing thats why i had begun getting unknown spots and leave dropping off.

To remedy it more the time i bought 2 gallons of fry's store brand distilled water(most nuetral water i know of :mrgreen:) And took the suggestions of some wise and friendly growers and switched to a mild fert and B1 to help revive them and it seems to be working. I had this sample bottle of Organicare Veging nutes from my last grow. Tested the soils and 3 were at 6.7 and 1 at 6.8, so the distilled h2o did help.

Sadly in the whole mess of nute lockout i lost my 1 sprouted Mr.Nice/SGK. I do have whats left of the Kaya Gold that was sprouted at the same time is surviving and has 2 new laeves coming in since the corretive feeding, and 2 more little sprouted ladies. I do wanna sprout another mr.n/sgk but i'm gonna wait till i can get a better water suply, can't aford to buy gallons of distilled regularly so i'm looking at a faucet unit or britta pitcher.



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I'm raher broke for the time being and can't aford the good ph adjust products at my local hydro shop. Does anyone know a cheap aroud the house product(vinegar maybe..) and how much to use in case i have to adjust the ph a bit quicker than distilled water alone can...? I only have a pool ph test kit for 6.8 and up and won't be able to tell just how much of whatever is suggested to used if the ph is within the ranges i can test for


Active Member
There's color returning more and more. And the bud sites have begun again as well as the older and surviving kaya gold is growing new fan leaves.

After consulting with some nursery's saying my problems were with tomatoes. Their analysis was the same as the nice folks here at RIU. The ph had caused nute lockout and that vinegar at no more than 4 tablespoons per gallon. But not having a ph kit for acid bases i used 1/2 tsp a gallon and some a little more organicare and B1 to show a little quicker response in the ph of the soil that i can test for.

Its been hot the past 2 days and only having a swamp cooler i've managed to keep temps in the 80's



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Living in AZ we're waiting for the monsoons to begin. Yesterday it got to 104 and i'm waiting to see what it'll be today, it feels the same tho...inside the closet it got as high as 91 till i opened the door a bit more and put a 12" oscilating fan and brought it down to 87.3

The ladies are looking great here's some pics i just took. Since i transplated the topped girl to the 2.5 gallon bucket it was too tall to fit under the wire rack light corral. I used another drop light, 1 of my 65w 2700k, my sheet of milar stretched over plexi and a small dry-erase board for best reflectivity. This morning i potted the 2 younge kaya gold's in my favorite red party cups



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OMG! They're getting soo sticky. The hairs are about 50% amber/brown, just a couple days from clipping...YES! OH YES! The topped mama is looking ever more better and good amount of hairs returning and good green in the newest growth


Active Member
yeah i know lol the 2 started growing hairs at 10 days old and only 1.5" tall, the hairs on 1 are now at 70% so tonight i'll be clipping her tonight after work. i'll post pics when i'm at my laptop of the newest growth


Active Member
Its official as of tuesday i clipped on of the frosty little trees. current weight on the 1st nug of the bunch(still moist) 6.8g. I've got it hanging by a string tied to a coat hanger. Depending how the overall dry/cure time i'll be looking forward to sampling in 3-5 weeks :D

More pics coming soon, works been busy lately...


Active Member
lifes little laptop ate its charger(again) been without online since my last post almost a month ago. Things are good with the grow. The topped beauty is about a week or 2 from cutting. The kaya gold babys are vegging now under 24/0 right now.

I'm about a week from from moving to a new apt and plan to put the kaya's to flower in their soon to be newly converted computer desk to grow op :D


Active Member
omg! i thought i'd never get my computer fixed. dam laptop ate the charger cuz it overheats and melts the plastic to hell. over $100 to replace...

now to update everyone, all of the autoflowering shortryders have been clipped and thoroughly enjoyed now. yeilded just over 3/4 oz all together. the kaya gold ladies are doing absolutely great. so far the biggest is just over 1 ft and the 2 others are just under. 1 of the 2 shorter girls i topped about 2+ weeks ago. just last week i had to transplant the 2 into 2.5 gallon buckets.

meanwhile i'm waiting for payday to fully complete my grow box/room. a used desk my friend had, i'll be using the under side of it by inclosing the front and back with either 1/4 to 3/8 plywood. the desks underneith in 47"Wx23D"x35"T and i have a gallon of white high gloss paint and a 70 CFM bathroom exhaust fan. i'll post new pics of the current setup and the desk once its finished.