She's got legs! Advice for finishing up the tall Sativa..


I'm on pt.2 of my first grow; started with two plans, one an indica, one a sativa. The indica was done enough, so got the chop down. This is good for the Sativa as she now gets more room in my grow space, she needs it, she's a monster!

Both plants started about the same size but since switching to flower the Sativa has really legged out. I suspect it has something to do with my hanging CFLs over the top of both plants. After a while the top of the Sativa hardly got any light because I was dedicated to finishing up the (much prettier:leaf: Indica) so moved them lower to get close to the shorter plant.

Below are some current pictures of the Sativa:


So a couple things:

  • I only used to have 2 hanging 400w CFLs; one blue and one red spectrum that hung over the plant(s). About 2 weeks ago a friend let me borrow his bank of CFLs that i had to affix to the wall since i could not hang them straight down. This bank has 2 red spectrum (one from earlier and one of his) and a mixed spectrum in the middle.
  • Above the plant i have hanging my old blue CFL, since the red one went into the bank on the side.
  • The plant is in a ridiculously small pot (1qt)
  • I had to tie her up, she was flopping all over the place!
  • She hasn't really been growing up much anymore, and the buds are finally starting to fill out a little more (thank goodness)

and some questions...

  1. Should I even have the blue spectrum light hanging in there above her? Does this help during flowering? (i actually have a second blue bulb i could hang if it helps...)
  2. Would it be better if i moved the blue into the bank on the side and one of the red from the bank above her?
  3. The hairs on the on the middle & side colas are starting to turn red, but on the top they are mostly white. is this a result of the lights?
  4. Any other advice/tips? How long you think she's got left in flowering? (been 65 days now)



Well-Known Member
Beauty!!! I have done many cfl grows and have always used both spectrums to get more cfl light on them. Especially with a beauty like that I would rock every light you have on her. She still has a bit to go by the looks of the pics. Do you have a scope to check trichomes? I highly rec you get one if not. that is the best way to tell when their ready. You can get cheap 30x ones at stamp/coin stores for like 5 bucks and im sure ebay has them for even cheaper. good luck and enjoy that cola when she is ready!


New Member
typical sativa they grow tall i would bend the top 90degrees so it gets moar lights nice one man