

Well-Known Member
And for the record jaag, I dont use the femd seeds, because I can tell sex and dont need things like that or autos. I have alot of very accomplished friends who grow, and have grown for many moons, and they have had issues with herms... My conditions r fukin great! Sometimes, I wish there was a bitchslap button on here...


Well-Known Member
Read about genetics and breeding before u come talkin' about my conditions! Then mabye U will see what I'M talking about buddy...

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Um, female seeds are made by forcing a female plant to produce pollen, which thereby has female only pollen, so the seeds that are made from this pollen are female. The plants were never male and "tricked" to be female. I agree that herms from fem seeds are usually the grower's fault. I'm not sure, but I think there used to be a different method of producing fem seeds, so maybe that's what happened to your old school buddies.

Slvr Bak

Active Member
I have put them on 12x12, watch for the males to show then remove them. Males show earlier than females, always done while plants were 12 inches or less in height. Of course it causes extra stress.


Active Member
Um, female seeds are made by forcing a female plant to produce pollen, which thereby has female only pollen, so the seeds that are made from this pollen are female. The plants were never male and "tricked" to be female. I agree that herms from fem seeds are usually the grower's fault. I'm not sure, but I think there used to be a different method of producing fem seeds, so maybe that's what happened to your old school buddies.
my thoughts exactly...


Well-Known Member
Probly so man... Probly so... It''s all good man... Hope u aren't too pissed about my replies... Had just gtotten laid-off that day, and was in a shitty mood to start with... My bad... We r all in this game for similar interests, and a common goal... So, no hard feelings?
my thoughts exactly...


Well-Known Member
Thx jaag... Itz all good... Just part of a union electrician's life... At least I still got Mary Jane and unemp to pay da billz with, tho... Oh ya, and a wife who works too... But, hopefully I'll catch another call here soon...


Active Member
So the plant will develope preflowers in late veg and they will have the same looking white pistles coming out? And look exactly the same as a early flowering female would?


Active Member
Since everyone has diff scheduals... Around wat node will those preflowers be? someone said 8-12 node and that the most mature pre flower is usually on the 11th node... Is this good info?


Well-Known Member
Yes, Sk33tlNnOObs, in "late" veg, the cannabis plant will show it's sex via preflowers. The white pistils will pop out of the top of a teardrop shaped ovarian calyx, which will form first, and the males will resemble a claw. of sorts, at first, then it will look more like a knob on a stick, and then they will resemble a lil' group of bananas(we call em 'naners), these r the early pollen sacks that will eventually open up when flowering begins, and pollenate any females nearby(even within a mile outdoors, via wind), so, don't be too quick to deem a preflower a male, because it could just be that teardrop shaped calyx(or false seed pod) that the white "V"-shaped pistils will eventually spring forth from... Those r the ones u will want to keep and flower out. If u use prunning methods, u shoould be able to keep their sizes in check, and if the stretch does "overgrow" your space, just tie down the taller branches, or stake them down easily, and let your canopy fill in horizontally, instead of the natural tendency to grow vertically towards the light(s)... Usually, around the fifth or sixth nodes is where they tend to begin forming at, too... But, check all nodes from top to bottom, anyways...

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
This is no joke. I start all my seedlings asap, or start them after rooted under the 1000w/hps 12/12. I get a viable snip before it starts the bud stage. I code these snips with their seed plant. The plants are then sexed and all males removed from the bin and the grow. Each clone after rooted will go into rock and get a drip feed under mother lighting. After the seedlings are done budding you'll have lots of snips to choose from and you'll know exactly what is what. Running clones is far superior than seedplants.
This is a post that I typed into a meaningless thread.​


Active Member
Thx for your help guys. I think im just gonna take cuttings root them and then flower those it seems like the easyest way. Unless any1 else has a better idea?