Seeking any advice

Kyle Griffin

New Member
I'm a new grower and I've already got some plants outside in cups. I have 3 at the moment but am planning to put more out in the coming weeks. I lack an open field area for my plants and was wondering if they need direct sun all day. I don't want to do anything half assed and am willing to cut some area for them to get more light. I didn't germ them first and I already have 3 sprouts. I also drilled 4 holes in bottom of each cup will that make it dry out too fast? I'm in southeast Texas


Active Member
well as long as the plants get 3-4 hours direct sunlight a day they should be OK, as they capture enough light just from it being light outside. and seeing that your in Texas they may dry out pretty quick.(depending on weather)


Active Member
Southeast morn sun. Head out early one morn and find where the sun shines at dawn and get at least 3-4 hours there as NL#5 suggested. When the dirt pulls from the side of your cups they're ready for water.
Right now man feep them in the direct sun as long as possible as they get more mature they can be in the shade no worries. But you may want to re consider if you are in Texas


Well-Known Member
these guys have the right idea. my plant gets 4-5 hours of direct sun, and spends the rest in a nice shady spot for the evening. it is vigorous, and very even node length. depending on the genetics, they might not even LIKE being in direct sun all day.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
The Sun will bake your root system in the little cups. Use AT LEAST 1 Gal pots for Babies in the Sun. With the heat, then cooling off, the stress is causing stunted growth... and they will be males due to the fact that under such stess, females will abort to males which has a lot shorter maturing period. I do my Babbies full Sun all day, then full 1000 watt HPS lite all ninght- 24/7. I DOES NOT GROW in the shade or dark, survive, yes, not grow. I usually get 1 1/2 inches per day with good light. With seeds, it's a 50/50 male/female ratio. However, when the root sytem is not crowded, the temp isn't all over the map, no wet feet (good drainage), no extreme heat or lack of moisture, your male/female ratio will rise from 59/50 to 80/20. I learned the hard way... little cups in the Sun,.. then black pots in the soil.. All a big mistake. Good Luck Dade.