Seeking advice


Hi guys I need some advice. 4353.jpgphoto 1.jpgphoto 2.jpg
this is my plant and its starting to bud. I was wondering if using this single philips marathon 15W cfl would work to make the buds big enuff and i want to hang the lamp in my very small closet and put tin foil around walls to reflex light. will this work? Also, why is my plant so tall and lanky, is it because it hasn't had enough strong light? is there a way to clip it to make it small but thick and bushy?I know nothing about growing so sorry I sound stupid. P.s. after I clip the buds is the plant over with or will new buds grow back? lol


Active Member
Stretching is from your light source being to far away. A single 15watt bulb is probably enough to keep the plant alive but not to flower. Need alot more light and get the bulbs as close to the buds as possible without burning them.


Well-Known Member
Itd probably work but you wont get a good yeild. Dont use tinfoil it wont reflect light like you'd think. You're plant is probably tall and lanky because of the height of which you have you light set at. One thing I learned from this site is the more light/air the better the yield. If I were you and you wanted to continue using cfl's get 23-26w cfl at 2700k use 3 or 4 of them. Also I would put your lights horizontal instead of vertical you'll get more light to the plant. You can get those cfls pretty close to the plant without burning them. Rule of thumb if you can put your hand under the light and it dont burn you then it wont burn your plant.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Also if you are able to paint the inside of your closet a flat white it'll do better than foil. CFL don't throw light too far, too. It might help to get "Y" adaptors for your bulbs, too. How are you going to handle ventilation and odor during flowering?
Good luck!!

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
Hi guys I need some advice. View attachment 2308756View attachment 2308757View attachment 2308762
this is my plant and its starting to bud. I was wondering if using this single philips marathon 15W cfl would work to make the buds big enuff and i want to hang the lamp in my very small closet and put tin foil around walls to reflex light. will this work? Also, why is my plant so tall and lanky, is it because it hasn't had enough strong light? is there a way to clip it to make it small but thick and bushy?I know nothing about growing so sorry I sound stupid. P.s. after I clip the buds is the plant over with or will new buds grow back? lol
Also, use the white rectangular search box in the upper right. Type in "Topping" and read the posts.Then type in "LST" and read the more research. BTW, whose house or apartment is this??? You want to be smart about this stuff.......

george xxx

Active Member
While I would agree with the replies I would add that you need a bigger pot. If you get sufficient light there should be a growth spurt that would quickly stunt growth in that pot.


Well-Known Member
IF your just using said light and tht window and its flowering Better get a timer and set it 12/12 now,or gonna have some serious ISSUES.



Wow thanks alot everyone I thought I wouldn't get a reply. It's my own apartment and I live alone and I'm not doing anything about smell or ventilation because it's only 1 plant I figured it wouldn't smell too much. I will do more research now thanks again Also This plant pretty much had 12/12 lighting its whole life, Cause I just used the window mostly.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys I need some advice. View attachment 2308756View attachment 2308757View attachment 2308762
this is my plant and its starting to bud. I was wondering if using this single philips marathon 15W cfl would work to make the buds big enuff and i want to hang the lamp in my very small closet and put tin foil around walls to reflex light. will this work? Also, why is my plant so tall and lanky, is it because it hasn't had enough strong light? is there a way to clip it to make it small but thick and bushy?I know nothing about growing so sorry I sound stupid. P.s. after I clip the buds is the plant over with or will new buds grow back? lol
I haven't tried an indoor grow yet, but am reading up, because that may be what I try next time.
So far, I could say, I have read a 15w MAY be enough to start with, but not for long.
Also, the tin foil thing is not such a good idea, due to the irregular reflection due to the wrinkles in it.
Your plant is 'lanky' because it is trying to reach for the light (too far away or weak)


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks alot everyone I thought I wouldn't get a reply. It's my own apartment and I live alone and I'm not doing anything about smell or ventilation because it's only 1 plant I figured it wouldn't smell too much. I will do more research now thanks again Also This plant pretty much had 12/12 lighting its whole life, Cause I just used the window mostly.
You figured wrong on the smell, lad. Unless you're growing some real shit weed.


Well-Known Member
Check out the 'stickys' in the indoor section, I remember seeing a couple names there to order higher wattage bulbs than you would find at Lowe's or Depot.
Said before and will say again - Lowes does not have but one or two bulbs worth looking at. Are you telling me in Alaska we have more garden shops than places in the Lower 48? The largest true wattage CFL I have found their in 6500K or 2700K (their only 2 plant friendly bulbs) were 55 watts. I have 2 of each for seedlings and for side lighting top colas at the end.


Well-Known Member
My local Ace Hardware has 23 watters for 1$ maybe yours does too (2700k & 6500k) Just buy like 4 of those ,a couple power strips and some socket adapters.<==== will yield more than the 1 gram you might get with 1 15w lol


Well-Known Member
For smell you can get this stuff called ONA at your hydro shop I got a little canister for 10 bucks and it does wonders. If you pull the lid off and leave the room, 15 mins later all odors are gone.