Seedlings with nute burn :/

Hello All

I have 4 plants on the go that sprouted just under a week ago, They are just growing their second set of jagged leaves. But just now I noticed some yellow spots on the tips of a couple of the leaves. Obviously I haven't used nutrients this early, But the soil I am using (Miracle Grow Expand'n'grow enriched compost) has nutrients in it already. I'm guessing this is proving a bit too much for the poor little things, Does anyone have any suggestions of what I could do? I don't really want to start again with different soil ideally but will do if needs be!



Well-Known Member
I am growing my 4th plant in MG, which a lot of people will say will burn from the time release feed, but I haven't had problems.
Can you post pics?
I am growing my 4th plant in MG, which a lot of people will say will burn from the time release feed, but I haven't had problems.
Can you post pics?
Heres a pic of one of the plants affected. Two of them seem to be fine so far, although If it is the slow release nutes in the soil causing it then It is probably only going to get worse..
