Seedlings & light


Well-Known Member
:joint:hi guys:joint:
just a quick queston please,:roll:
i have 2 areas for me to grow in,
1'st is about 3x2 meters about 5foot 6 high, and is just for flowering. in it i have a 600watt hps
2'nd area i boxed off outside the main room for my seedlings, clones and plants in vegetative growth about meter wide. meter high and 3/4 meter long. Inside i have 2 36watt fsl lights about 2 foot long each.

would the 2 36watt fsl lights be enough? for seedlings, clones and plants in vegetative growth would u say i needed more?

Is the 600watt hps enough for the size said above?

iam growing in soil if it make any diffrence?

thanks guys all comments very welcome:blsmoke: