Same soil, same nutes, different strain. Wtf


Well-Known Member
I used Jack's 20-20-20in veg and Jack's 10-30-20 since I flipped. Everything has gotten the same thing but the lower right plant seems unhappy. Low on N or doesnt like the light? What do you think?
Ok I looked at the charts and I have some ideas. But first, did you compare the PH of the soil vs any of the others? I agree they all should be the same. But I'm just wondering. Also, knowing the PH of the soil in question can help me decide what I think it is. To be honest, I believe it's just more sensitive to the PH. But knowing where it lies, I can tell ya what exactly is causing the issue. Even though the cause is likely caused by PH lol Some strains are def different and just finicky. Multi strain grows are lotsa fun lol


Well-Known Member
Different strain...there's a thousand reasons why it doesn't look like the others. Never the less, the plant looks pretty good. I don't think it's short on N. The chattered leaf edges suggest she's running short on K. Good luck.


Active Member
These are the almost suitable npk balance to growing cannabis:
Early veg:
Full Veg:

Early Flowering:
Full Flowering:
Last Flowering:


Well-Known Member
Different strains, and even different phenotypes of the same strain, can all grow very differently and have different requirements from one another.