salvave light deprived plant or restart?


Active Member
Hi! My first plant went very well, except I didn't give her enough light. She didn't vegitate much (strong, but sparse) and the flowers, while potent, were smallish. She only got about 3500 lumens of light (24 hr for couple months, 12 on 12 off after that). Everything I looked up says it's the light.

So, I've got a plan all put together for about 14K lumens from 220W of full spectrum light. My question is this:

Should I cut about half (1.5-2 feet) off my plant (3-4 feet) and put her back on 24hr light to try to put her through veg again? Or just put put 24 hr light back on for awhile? or just put 12 on 12 off with 14K lumens? Or just start all over? oops my bad, that should read 'salvage' up there in the title ;)