Rockwool Cubes Soaked for 4+ Weeks - Safe or Trash?

I have about 9 or 10 cubes that I had let soak in a 1/4 strength solution for about 4 weeks in a dark colored rubbermaid container. Never grew using rw before so my head tells me "No, throw out the cubes". However, I am wondering if they are safe to use or can I re-soak in clean water or "flush" them and start anew?

Nothing was planted in them, I just got a bit over zealous and soaked more cubes than I actually needed at the time. Then I forgot there were the extra cubes till 5 minutes ago.


Well-Known Member
I have about 9 or 10 cubes that I had let soak in a 1/4 strength solution for about 4 weeks in a dark colored rubbermaid container. Never grew using rw before so my head tells me "No, throw out the cubes". However, I am wondering if they are safe to use or can I re-soak in clean water or "flush" them and start anew?

Nothing was planted in them, I just got a bit over zealous and soaked more cubes than I actually needed at the time. Then I forgot there were the extra cubes till 5 minutes ago.
Toss em! All kinds of nasties piled up in there now.

Grow Safe

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I reuse some of my rockwool, no problems yet.

I suppose you could always soak it in bleach or H2O2 for an hour or so, then rinse, or just chuck it and be on the safe side.


Well-Known Member
if you have never used the cubes , I say let them dry out and use them later. I use the 6" cubes and I have done this before. I just let it dry and used it a few weeks later. No problems. When ready to use , just resoak and get to growin.