Rippers suck!!!


Active Member
I cant beleive that someone would risk their lives to steal 1 half grown marijuana plant.

Whats the best outdoor security camera? I want about 4 cameras and need them hooked to my pc with software that will upload to a offsight location. own what a feeling. Motherfuckers. I could give a shit about 1 a burning feeling....just want revenge...


Well-Known Member
I cant beleive that someone would risk their lives to steal 1 half grown marijuana plant.

Whats the best outdoor security camera? I want about 4 cameras and need them hooked to my pc with software that will upload to a offsight location. own what a feeling. Motherfuckers. I could give a shit about 1 a burning feeling....just want revenge...
I know your pain.

Thieves are just about the lowest life form. They should be lined up in hell with Hitler, in French maid costumes, awaiting the pineapples which will be shoved up their asses by Satan.

Theft is an occupational hazard when growing outdoors. And it will only get worse as harvest season approaches.

The most shitty thing about your situation is that your own backyard is tainted now. Some scumbag knows you grow there.

Which means passive security measures will not do you much good.

Good luck and good growing.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
lolol, that would strike the fear into me :D
My first flatmate comes from the rough side of town, i was over there last summer for a bbq and we were stood by the road chatting to his cousin, and along jog a couple of lads, acting triumphant as you like, one emptied his posckets to show about £500, the other lifted his hoody and showed a womans handbag they'd nicked, and conveniently found her pin number in her diary, uncapped card, they said they planned to go back later on and empty the account. If i hadn't been just little old me i'd have floored them, that is weeks of smoeones hard earned money gone like that, all for some lazy unlikable shit can buy some coke and have a good weekend.

They also wait till late at night and then run through the back gardens of an entire street breaking or nicking anything they see.


Well-Known Member
Get a camera that detects movement and sends an sms to your phone with video. If u got the cash.