Ripening from bottom upwards??

Growing some heavy duty fruity under 2 600w there bout 4 ft very healthy , 11 th week of flower, getting close but my question is; they have seemed to ripen up from the bottom, which for me is a first is it uncommon? So could I harvest all the lower ripe branches an leave the main cola till later??


Well-Known Member
sounds about right. its what i do and am gonna start doing next week some time.
just dont take too much, you dont wanna set her back more than a week, which is the norm.


Well-Known Member
I have seen that happen a lot got me wondering if it has something to do with nutes/light/heat. It looks like new growth on the buds getting the most light. The calyxs and trichs on the new growth is less mature than the lower branches that are shaded. I think I ruled out heat by finishing at 80f and still see it happening. I don't think it is just bright light because not all the varieties are doing it so maybe it is either just a phenotype issue or too much ferts leftover?


Misguided Angel
Happens to me too. I don't think it is a sign of anything bad, just some pheno's do that from time to time...
Uh so if I take the lower parts of it I'd probably need to give the rest another 2 weeks then??? Cheers for input people


Well-Known Member
some ripen from midplant on up. the lowers never really ripen unless you pamper them and i dont have the fkn patience, so they end up getting chopped up and will be made into some killer hash and kief. im smoking it atm. man its beets smiokin buds by a 100 to 1 no lie. i am well. i can barely stand up. just one hit off a bowl and like wtf. you taste the flavor on the exhale. then the head trip takes over and u wonder for a minute if u might pass out or puke.
then u just wanna c h i l l. the topcolas i take when theyre 10% amber. i dont wait as long as other guys. its all about personal preferance.