Repotting Accident, what to do?


Active Member
I can't even describe how upset I am right now. I have a two week old fem LSD plant that i was trying to repot from a .5 gal container to a 1.5 gal container. I fucked up royally in transplanting, and the entire ball of soil in the half gallon container fell apart, leaving me with the small plant and what was left of it's roots. I quickly put it in the 1.5 gallon container, watered it, and buried the stem up to the first node. What else can I do and what are my odds that the plant makes it?


Well-Known Member
Its hard to give a response without an idea of what percentage of the root system is intact. In case the plant cannot be saved have you considered if there is enough growth to clone off what is left?


Well-Known Member
It will probably be fine depending on how much of the roots remain, it will more than likely go into shock for a few days. Whatever light you are currently using you may want to raise a little extra to keep it from getting stressed by the heat. Or you could go to walmart and get this stuff called superthrive, my plants love it and would be great to feed that plant.


Active Member
There isn't enough to clone it unfortunately, it was still fairly small, probably 3 inches tall with only 3 nodes


Well-Known Member
you may have repotted too early. By the time you transplant, your plant should have a rather extensive root system that will hold the growing medium in place. That's the point of container-gardening indoors. By letting your plant get slightly root-bound before transplant, it gets used to growing in containers and by the time it is in it's final pot, will be able to nearly reach its full potential without having abundant root-space.


Well-Known Member
it should be ok, but it might take a few days to perk up. Next time , make sure you use pots that are somewhat limber (if you didn't) so you can flex them a little. Put the very base of the stem between your middle and ring fingers, slowly turn the pot upside or at an angle so all or almost all the soil comes out in one chunk. Make sure to do this over the pot that you've already prepared to transplant in to. Gently place the plant in the new pot and fill it in with more soil , but don't pack it down. Watering it will settle the soil plenty.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm positive I repotted too early. I got nervous last night because as I was inspecting the pots I noticed that there was a small root coming through the bottom hole of the pot so I thought it was time to repot. Clearly it wasn't. Thanks for the help guys. At the moment I have 2 42w 6500K and 1 40w 2700K CFL's on the plant, I watered it right after it was repotted, so hopefully it will come back. If not I don't know what I'll do


Active Member
Unless you ripped all the roots off I think you will be just fine! Don't stress to much! Like others said it may go into shock and stress for a couple of days but it will come back!

The Milkman

New Member
You will be fine, i have Barneys LSD in just now aswell, they started pretty slow and dont need alot of food as does most of the Barney range, mine are 3 weeks into Flower but boy have they went for it in the last 2 weeks, i bent all the tops over and some branches they are all up and going nuts, i read a thread on this site about lsd and it was saying you might have to tie them down as they can sometimes show no signs of stop growing, mine now stand about 1.5m tall and ive got the height for them but id not worry yourself brother all will be fine with your plant, ive got 2 in soil aswell and they to look fine, its been said before on here and am going to say it again, Mind they are weeds, happy growing.


Just keep an eye on it and make sure it gets plenty of water. Other options that might help: adding root activator to your water or vitamin B nute formulas (available at nursery's/HD/Lowe's, usually not wal-mart.) This will help get those roots going, and they are formulated to reduce transplant shock. Something you could try, but not really necessary, is to remove some of the dirt to expose more of the stem. Then take a clean razor and cut small notches into the stem at 45 degree angles, just like if you were cloning but only cut 1-2mm deep. Each one of those cuts should start growing roots once you cover them up again with soil, you can add some cloning agent to the cuts to help but it's not really necessary.


Active Member
Thanks to everyone who responded. This happened around two hours ago, and although the leaves drooped all the way to the soil initially, 95 percent of them are back up and perky. I'm assuming new growth will start in 2-3 days once they re-establish their roots


Well-Known Member
Thanks to everyone who responded. This happened around two hours ago, and although the leaves drooped all the way to the soil initially, 95 percent of them are back up and perky. I'm assuming new growth will start in 2-3 days once they re-establish their roots
Probably even faster than that. I did it to one of my girls - with the added insult of having tried to FIM her right before! Actually took her four days or so to even perk up again.:roll: