Reincarnation or AfterLife?


Well-Known Member
Which do you believe, and why? DO you have any information you would consider evidence? (prolly not though).

Which seem's more logical?

BTW i have a dream in which I watched myself leave my body, but It was just a dream ...


Well-Known Member
I truly believe in after liffe, of course, no one can prove it since you're gone, but to live a life on this earth only to have nothing after seems like a waste. It's just a matter of faith, but I've got to believe.


Active Member
Which do you believe, and why? DO you have any information you would consider evidence? (prolly not though).

Which seem's more logical?

BTW i have a dream in which I watched myself leave my body, but It was just a dream ...
I guess technically you could say we're reincarnated on a scientific point of view. We die, our bodies decay and break down into other compounds and we come back as cemetery dirt.

Personally I stick to the "I don't have a clue what's going to happen and I don't think anyone can know, so I'm just here for the ride" point of view. If I could choose though I'd pick afterlife. But again, either way it's impossible to know. If people are being reincarnated they're coming back with no knowledge of their former self, and anything they claim to know or have learned about past lives is not provable to any extent.

On the other hand anyone that went to the other side either never came back or came back as a ghost leaving questionable proof at BEST of it's existence.

No wait I have it....I'm not saying it's aliens...but.... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Reincarnation...Hmmm...I don't think I want to come back... nope:eyesmoke:
Afterlife...Hmmmm... I hope there is one.


Well-Known Member
Heaven or Hell? not sure, but I do believe that the quality of an after life depends on the life you lived here. And if there is a " Big Man, Woman " up there, I hope I lived a decent life to be accepted by " Him, Her "


Well-Known Member
Heaven or Hell? not sure, but I do believe that the quality of an after life depends on the life you lived here. And if there is a " Big Man, Woman " up there, I hope I lived a decent life to be accepted by " Him, Her "
If there is a god, he will be a him. Remember he created Adam in his image.


Well-Known Member
I am more prone to believeing in reincarnation,Mostly because I have alot of beliefs from buddhism and many of the buddhist beliefs are more in tune with the natural world than some afterlife of heaven or hell.Reincarnation is crazy to alot of people understandably,it could just be a bunch of nonsense,but it is more logical to me than the dualistic notion of eternal afterlife of punishment or reward.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I believe in BOTH. I think we start out as basic life forms, I dont know what though. Our soul takes what it can from the life we live and moves on to a more intelligent/evolved form of life till eventually we reach the stage of being a human. Then a whole new conscious learning process gets introduced to our souls. We gotta learn how to love and be happy and spread love and happiness and MAYBE we gotta learn what "god" is before we can move on to the amazing afterlife. And if you havent learned the right things in your human experience then you get reincarnated till you get it right... Thats what I think.


Active Member
Which do you believe, and why? DO you have any information you would consider evidence? (prolly not though).

Which seem's more logical?

BTW i have a dream in which I watched myself leave my body, but It was just a dream ...
I used to believe in the afterlife thing heaven and hell all that stuff from the new testament but later after I started reading the old testment it made more sense and clicked with me.Ecc 1:7 All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again. Ecc 1:8 All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.
Ecc 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Ecc 1:10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
Ecc 1:11 There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.
Ecc 1:12 I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.:?:


Well-Known Member
My idea on this is that, whatever everything is. Not just the universe, but everything, mega-verses what have you, its a never ending loop. It constantly recycles itself over and over. Everything is technically re usable, if one galaxy explodes, due to the infinite parallel universes and never ending quantum entanglements, if there is one galaxy, there are infinite galaxies comprised of the very same. Some are a tick different. But it also shows that some are the same. Well infinite are the same. We are a race, some races die out, some don't. Its hard to fathom that even with humans having so much potential, I think we could possibly be one of the failed races.

That being said I have noticed that my cats as a kid were always just the sweetest little things. I would get them baked all the time, they had a great life, bathing in the sun, being handed food. But at the same time they were the most loving lap cats anyone could ever have. Their lives were great. If I had a cat that was a fuck, I didnt get it high because I didn't want to be around it. I have a rat now and its the sweetest little thing, social, smart.. I get it baked too, give it more food than it probably wants just because its so awesome. These animals were put into my hands and not some abusive assholes hands. This shows that being nice gets you somewhere.

Mean people are miserable, they are oblivious, they are selfish, not thinking of others. Unintelligent. They need to be ridden of to even make humanity work. This isnt possible without replacing their body parts with machines to kill their 'soul' basically. We are doing quite a job with this in the field of medicine, however I think that medicine will at some point be replaced by tiny nanobots or replacements by computers entirely.

Anyways about the animals, if our bodies are recyclable, and our food, water, all exists in all dimensions which are infinite. Then it would only make sense that our very lives recycle as well. Possibly turning into something greater if you do good. My cats that were nice always had very vivid personalities, almost like humans. Like their thought process was actually far more advanced than mean cats' personalities.

Maybe, almost like Buddhism, humans will shed their skin and turn into a greater being after death. The mean ones may get recycled as humans again, and again, until they learn. There are so many people in this world...

Im not exactly one for reincarnation, however I feel like there is a way of figuring it. Death is not bad, we can only go up from here. In my mind.
When I was 13 my aunt died, I didnt know her like a sister or anything, but I knew her pretty well. When I was at the hospital with my mom for her, she died. They brought us out of the room because they knew, she wasn't all there. But I went to her and said 'I love you, and I will be with you soon.' Then I wasnt particularly teary, I knew she was in a good place. Not having to deal with food, money, power, murder, depression.. Lucky her right? My mom thought I was psychopathic and I said basically said she was going to a good place so why be ashamed of that? Of course I am upset, but she was in so much misery there is no way that where she went wasn't better. recently I had an experience close to death that showed me we are all going to the same place, and its a good place. Nobody has a near death experience and says that it was terrible. Maybe they do. Maybe THEY were assholes. Whatever it is for me, and most people, its bliss.

Either way once you are on your death bed I think you think a lot differently than you ever did in your entire life. And who knows what I experienced was mere hallucinations or not, perhaps as said with most tripping and what not, 'the hallucinations are really there'. Who knows. No one.


Well-Known Member
Some pets are nice and are abused for no reason.. So that kinda contradicts my statement.. Poor animals :( Personally though if I saw anyone doing some crazy gross shit to an animal I would kick their ass into a bloody pulp.

Are all of us the same though? I like saying we are all just rats in a cage. We start out fresh possibly.. Even genetics I feel can kind of be over-ridden by the way someone is raised. But then there are psychotic people.. This is a clusterfuck I cant even think straight anymore.

Anyways its not a matter of is the end reincarnation or afterlife. Those are simply words, that we made, to represent something that we don't understand. And we won't, til the end. Asking if it is a matter of one or the other is a two sided statement. There are infinite sides and I know this. Thats why its impossible to know, infinity is incomprehensible.


bud bootlegger
i don't believe in either of them.. for me, pretty much when you die, you're worm food for the most part..
if you were to be reincarnated, why would you not remember the first life so you could learn and grow from your mistakes?? that just seems kind of silly imo..
as for heaven and hell, i just think that is something man came up with a few thousand years ago to make themselves feel better about the whole one ride on this crazy planet deal that we really face..
people's ego's won't allow them to think that they're really not as important as they think, and that once you die you're dead and gone.. instead, people think that there most be more, and created the concept that when you die you either go to heaven if you were a good lil christian or hell if not.. kind of bogus..