Re veg question


Active Member
So I have a question. My plants have been outside for a while now, they have been under 12/12 for the whole time so far and now the days are starting to get longer. My question is this, will my plants form full buds before October ? I don't want to have bud rot, so will my plants stop forming buds when the days get longer, will they start flowering faster then normal plants? I have never done a reveg yet and I don't want to make mistakes. Will I have to trim the buds off all the time or?

My plants are 3 feet so far, I live in central ca. The nights are warming up but I still have them in a green house to prevent any frost problems. I've pulled all males and herms and am left with my lady's.


Active Member
My understanding is that when you re-veg a plant you want to harvest all of the upper buds and leave some of the lower growth/buds on the plant. Make sure you keep the plant healthy and when the days start to get longer the plant will start the life cycle all over again, so no it won't grow buds the entire time. I've done it indoors before but never outside, as long as it's alive and healthy though anythings possible. Good luck!


Active Member
yeah they are flowering as we speak. buds probably no bigger then a large button on a shirt. They need to be able to go till October and im worried they will mature faster or to fast something like that and bud rot.


Well-Known Member
Like any plant that you trim, take off the flowering grow as it matures and then cut the plant back to where it has nothing but vegative growth left and then start with vegging nutes all over. It's just a pot plant, you can cut it back and keep it alive...g/l


Well-Known Member
Backwards light cycles during flowering tells plants to self-pollinate, and then it will take LONG periods of daylight to bring out of flowering...and then they will re-veg all crazy on you.

You're much better off finishing them now.