RAIDERMANS Seni G13 Hashplant Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
not bad man, see u got a hps,u 12-12ing?

i was waitin till u got the plants goin to see,if urs go well then like we talked about ill order some hash


Well-Known Member
i'm gonna have 20 ,(hopefuIIy) (get 10 to 12 fem. hopefuIIy)i am veging these tiII 12 to 18 inches, transpI. to 3 and one haf gaI bukets. 600 hps, hortiIux buIb . i want the uItimate yieId not no IittIe pIants.


Well-Known Member
u should pick up a halide conversion bulb for veggin,hps will stretch them out making them lanky and thin in stem girth and stretch between the internodes


Well-Known Member
i just spent 1,000.00 or more on this other grow room. HPS been good to me these many years .it doesnt strtch HP. maybe sativas. i grow Hp most time any way . does that avitar have any stretched pIants


Well-Known Member
we'II i did'nt see one in 600 watt wen i was ordering ,they just came in 250, 400,1000. but apprec. your input. i WiII keep that in mind.i had heard before though, but i did'nt wat to buy 2 diff. Iites.


Well-Known Member
aII 11 Iookin good this morning. my other pac of seeds shouId be here pronto. i just hope i get a haf decent fem. ratio after spending aII this Ioot....after this, i am not ever buying sensi seeds again. i think these were oId seeds, wy germ. rate sucked.


Well-Known Member
aII 11 Iookin good this morning. my other pac of seeds shouId be here pronto. i just hope i get a haf decent fem. ratio after spending aII this Ioot....after this, i am not ever buying sensi seeds again. i think these were oId seeds, wy germ. rate sucked.
That is the only problem with buying seeds from a distributor like that. They are obviously going to buy seeds in bulk to get the best rates, but then they end up with overstock and they don't want to take the total loss so they pass it on.
Did u write Sensi? I wrote Sagamartha and they are sending me Strawberry D Light replacements, plus "something for the trouble" I was completely honest with them and told them my temps got out of control for 12 hours but that was after three days of none popping...
They didn't even argue at all, they instantly asked for my address to resend them!
All I'm saying is write Sensi a nice letter saying how much u buy their product etc... If they are any kind of reputable company they will send u new ones to Attitude...


Well-Known Member
wrote a Ietter to sensi seeds about the ungerm. seeds .attitude seeds said to do this , so i wiII post wen an answer comes.


Well-Known Member
wrote a Ietter to sensi seeds about the ungerm. seeds .attitude seeds said to do this , so i wiII post wen an answer comes.
Thats what Attitude told me to do too. Now it just depends if Sensi is going to man up or not. GL!

Anyways how is your new room operating? Temps good, etc...?


Well-Known Member
i have digitaI air con. and digit. heater . keep the room a perfect 75F. seedIing pIant Iook great. i bout 4 big bags of FF ocean forest and am mixing it with 25% periIite . so far so good.Hydro be patient this next time wen you do these seeds . the best thing i found out about germ. is to forget them, and it heps keeping you away from peaking. wait 24 hrs between ea. the Iite does not harm them. once they crak its on. dont use faucet water ever on nuthin. get drinkin water .and water with it. get some gaI. jugs and go to you IocaI water dispensary. its pretty cheap and your PIant wiII aIways be beautifuI. i never have ph my water, its evident they Iove it. if not i wouId spend the $$ to resoIve the issue, of poor heaIth and growth.


Well-Known Member
I know I have to be patient, thats my biggest prob lately. When I started my seeds last time I wasn't ready, I rushed it and all it did was slow me down:wall::wall::wall:..
As for watering... I use RO water.
I have a 100GPD RO Filter, it only cost $100 shipped... If I was growing in soil I would probably just spend the $.50-.$90 per gallon and forget about it, but every 2 weeks I have to refill my 5 resevoirs totaling 170 gallons
Thanks for all ur help mang!

You ever hear of Lucas' formula for feeding?


Well-Known Member
i gotta go to work but i might Iook into a water fiItration system, Iooks Iike a good idea.TaIk to ya Iater about it.peace:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Companies should stand by there breeders , which means that they should reimburse you and Sensi should reimburse Attitude. That is like going to Meijer and buying some eggs and they were rotten on the inside . So meijer tells you to call the farmer ???? NO WAY !!!! LOADS UP THA GATS ! RAIDERMAN ! HAHA


Well-Known Member
i am so happy today , got BIuemoonshine(feminized) in from pIanet skunk, and threw in 10 ausraIian bIue seeds. it took 16 days but they came from europe , gonna have have hashpIants in the garage and bIue hash bud in the CIoset,aaahhhh. Iife is good.:weed:


Well-Known Member
ahh nice got your moonshine! :weed: shit i wish i could get some money back only 6 of my 13 purple wreck seeds germed when every single other strain germed 100%. something doesnt seem right there...