Question About Neem Oil?

phil deese

Active Member
Just about to finish my first grow, I just used some bagseed I had for this grow as a learning process. I am not sure how long I should let them Flower, they are in their 7th week and look as if they should go another 2-3 weeks. I am assuming that these plants are better suited for outdoor enviornments because they are getting to tall! Yesterday I saw a spider web across a couple of leaves, If this gets worse is it too close to harvest time to use neem oil? I also have some Sweet from botanicare, can anyone tell me about this and when is the best time to use it? Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If your plants are in flower, do not use NEEM or SAFER SOAP as they cling to the buds and destroy trichomes. Is the web a regular house spider or spider mite???? Either way, just use water in a spray bottle and drench the leaves, tops and mostly bottoms. Do this when you are watering so as to make it part of the watering cycle. Water will wash some of the bugs off and help you make it to harvest. A good foliar drench on each plant, tops and bottoms of leaves, let 'em dry out and check again. Look under your leaves with a magnifier and look for mites or thrips. Do the drench a couple of times, a few days apart, maybe three times if you have infestation. With the water, you will upset their life cycle and give the plants a chance to finish. The time to use NEEM or SAFERSOAP is when the plants are young. It is not a bad idea to use SAFERS on each plant before putting them into your flowering cycle. It takes two applications, about five days apart, to stop thrips and mites and there is no residue left on the buds that way. If the plants are small enough to move around, place them so you can spray them well. Hold the fan leaves and really get the bottoms. I use a pump sprayer that I got at H. Depot for twenty bucks. It is a two gallon type that you put the solution in and pump it up. That way you can use the spray wand and really aim it up under the leaves. Very important to get the bottoms of the leaves. And don't forget the flowers if there are any at this stage. Don't drench the flowers quite as much as the leaves but get them all. Good luck. An add-on to this is if you use water and drench well, after each spraying, give the soil surface a coating of NEEM or SAFERS. Just keep it off the buds. Both will leave a shitty taste and will destroy the trichomes where the THC is. It is fine to spray the soil as this is where some of the little critters do their "thang" and any you have knocked off the leaves above may be coated and die this way.


Well-Known Member
What does a spidermite web look like?

Contributed by: David Spade

A spider mite web may be so small it is only seen under a magnifying lens, a microscope or Macro lens.

The following spider-mite images were contributed by: Squilly

The Collective..

Close up..

The eggs..