Pure Power Plant or Jack Herer?


Active Member

I'm looking for a strain, giving me the social buzz (sativa dominant).
I've narrowed it down to two choices - either Pure Power Plant (PPP) or Jack Herer.

Any pro/conns regarding the two strains, e.g. which smell the most during flowering.
Any personal reflections regarding what to choose?

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Have you grown it or "just" smoked it? ;)
Also heard some great stuff about the "Jock Horror" which apparently finnishes earlier then the Jack.
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Active Member
just smoked. but a friend of mine has grown both srains and found the powerplant a little more difficult. what iv read about jock horror sounds good aswell. going on smoke tho i would pick jack over power. just my humble opinion tho dude.


Active Member
Jack Herrer!!! It´s a no brainer for me really, i mean ppp is good stuff but JH is amazing.

I´m sure most Connoisseurs agree on this one. edit (not implying that i am one)
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Well-Known Member
ya ive never grow herer, but smoked it and i have to agree with these guys . herer is dynamite. go with herer!!!!

Serius LeHigh III

Active Member
I haven't grown either of them, but I've smoked them both and I really love Jack Herrer. Love the fruity/spicy smell and its very strong stuff.


Active Member
hope to see some pictures on here when you do. good luck!!:peace:
I will of course post pictures, though I'm waiting a couple of weeks before starting to grow.

I have limited space so I would prefer buying feminized Jack Herer, the only feminized I've found was "Black label seeds feminized Jack Herer", any thought on the "Black label" seed bank? Read somewhere that Sensei Seed was the only one to go with when choosing Jack Herer.....but they doesn't seem to offer feminized seeds.



Oracle of Hallucinogens
I've had Light of Jah.. pretty sure that is related to Jack Herer? Anyways, I'd take the Herer.