I've been growing Power Plant annually for the last 10 years or so, its a well known African Sativa, and very famous for tripping you out ...lol
that said this Pure Power Plant from the low end of the Dutch breeders is ain't Pure, its a renamed hybrid with 50/50 sativa, indica mix.
Power Plant is one of the most extreme sativas I know of, and you can expect it to take much longer to get to harvest than any other sativa,
perhaps the reason to cross breed with an indica..?
either way it will be sitting in your tent, as you toke out on the GHS crap, Kalashnikova
just be ready for this er.....delay
your lights suck...tho great for early germ, or holding a mother at bay, you will wish you got a 400w, or better a 600w hps just to close the deal with your PURE Power Plant,
that ain't so PURE ...? a 250 hps is more heat than light, easily fixed by adding another 250w HPS more so as they mature
good luck
ps this grow ain't for the weak of heart