on gravity originating from super massive black holes-
i applaud your effort at reaching out and learning new things.. but i think that in your 'frantic' period of learning your over looking one of the most basic fundamentals behind physics, energy, thermodynamics, etc etc..
power in = power out
there is no reaction without equal and opposite reaction...
if gravity were 'originating' from super massive black holes.. where is the return of all the gravitational energy to its source?
gravity is synchronously proportionate to the mass of an object, in other words the bigger the weight, the bigger the gravity... if it originated from a given point and transmitted over distance to a remote object, gravity would have to be detectable in waveform as a particle, as only particles can move... not energy or force itself. energy/force is static untill contact with a force of opposite potential............ sounds complicated but its really not.
lol this guy is awesome.. and he puts it in a way we can all relate to... he doesnt get to gravity till halfway through buts its very interesting:

, that's what you thought it Was, Me learning on the Go.......

The return is Equal/proportionate to the weight/Mass of the Super Massive Black Hole and is Exponentially distributed by MetalLic weight. Size doesn't Matter, but it helps,

We are not able to properly Scientifically calculate this are We? If So, we would be able to Graph the complete metallic Make up distributed throughout the galaxy and see if there is a significant pattern,
As far as being detected, why must it be in a Particle form and not energy or, Force

, We only observe the effect of gravity, and can only verify it's existence through this process.., Do we Know the Origin of Light? Check this Out from Wiki:
The speed of light in a
vacuum is presently defined to be exactly 299,792,458
m/s (about 186,282 miles per second). This definition of the speed of light means that the
metre is now defined in terms of the speed of light. Light always travels at a constant speed, even between particles of a substance through which it is shining. Photons excite the adjoining particles that in turn transfer the energy to the neighbor. This may appear to slow the beam down through its trajectory in realtime. The time lost between entry and exit accounts to the displacement of energy through the substance between each particle that is excited.
Gravity acts similar in this nature except, it passes through Metal....
and So, No, it's not complicated,
If the Big Magnet is in the middle, then the shrapnel is Pulled towards the middle....
(and I'm going to stop saying We Shortly) do not know enough to Verify the Origin of Light or Gravity, but we do know where light ends up, and We know where that's At....
Are you trying to Belittle Me

Laugh Now, Cry Later..
Stop the Blasphemy on Carl Sagan, that man practically raised me