Power outage..Will this screw up my girls

I got notice my power is going to be of for 5 hours for line repair..
Its being turned of at the light on time of day.So that means the lights could be of up to 5 out of the 12 hours..I will be 15 days in flower..Is this going to screw up my girls..Thanks


Active Member
Won't do any harm at all, hope this puts your mind at rest :-) happens to all of us at sometime! if it was a regular thing it might be different, but you have to bear in mind it takes up to 2 weeks for a plant to respond to a change of light cycle (as in a reveg) so a few hours extra darkness will make no difference at all :-)


Well-Known Member
There was an ice storm in my area about 10 days ago. I have a plant in flower and several more in veg. The electricity went off for about 4 hours and it didn't seem to have any effect on any of my plants. Just consider it a 'very cloudy' day for your plants.