Potential hermie?


Hey everybody so this plant is 4 weeks old from seed. I know it's still early, but I'm trying to sex ASAP. Last week its first pre flowers began to show which I had already determined female. Over this past week they have now been starting to look definitely male-shaped, but one of the "balls" has a pistil! The one on the left you can see it pointing downward. The lighting makes it not look white but in actuality it is. I've never had a hermie before, and the other plants in this grow that are male OR female look much different. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Early preflowers dont show sex very well if at all, its like every new growers 64 million dollar question.

Seriously there are too many of these 'are these male or female after 4 weeks veg' threads, sit back chill and learn a little.