pond water?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I'm planning an outdoor grow for this spring and was wondering if it's okay for my plants if I water them with pond water. There is a pond nearby to my grow site and i thought it would convenient to use this water source in that I wouldn't have to be hauling water down to the site each time i need to water my babies.

any help and advice is appreciated! :-P:leaf:


Active Member
If it's stagnant standing water I'd say look for another water source, if it has a stream feeding it/running through it then I'd say it's gtg. =)


Well-Known Member
Any waters better than no water but idealy u want running water or water that is regularly topped up by rainfall.Check out my guerilla grow in my sig.


Well-Known Member
In a stagnant pond there will be a lot of dissolved solids and algae, so I would have to say no, pond water isn't the best option.


Well-Known Member
it's a weed...worst thing that could happen is it dies...

won't know till you try, though testing the water before you do might improve your chances of figuring if it's a good option or not.
some people's ponds, are in all fact, mere rancid mud holes.


Well-Known Member
Damn, it's water......if it's a pond that receives any crop run-off.....it won't fare well....


Well-Known Member
Well there is somewhat regular rainfall that reaches the pond and there is a culvert that begins to drain the water out of the pond to a lower spot when the pond water level gets too high, I don't know if this would help the stagnancy of the water or not but it's something to keep in mind. But yeah I'll have to test the ph level of the water and see if there's any chance i could use it.

Thanks for the help everyone :weed:

I dont know

Well-Known Member
I say just water your plants and see what happens to them. If they die then next time you know not to use it