Pls Critique My First DIY Cab Design


Hey RIU,

Im new to the forum and would like some advise from some of the more seasoned members about constructing my first Cab Grow. I would like this cab to be relativly simple but effective. Ive done a fair amount of research and have come to the conlusion that DIY is the way to go (Cheaper and more custom tailored to your needs). Sorry if i put too much info, but its better than not enough since i want to do it right the first time.

Ive decided to go with a metal storage cabinet for overall durability/sturdyness/flexability of use, but i am worried about how difficult cutting vent holes will be. I would also like to start with a 250watt HPS/MH (HTG) with a switchable balast to avoid heat problems but still get a decent amount of Lums/ft^2. Odors are an issue and i would want to install a carbon filter and inline fan combo from HTG to avoid any leaks. Stealth is a concern as well, I would really like the fan to be quiet as possible but I understand there are limitations to noise. If i have to make a muffle box so be it. If your familiar with the inline fan ive picked out pls comment on noise or recommend an alternative. Is the fan below strong enough to cool + draw enough air through the filter? Intake air temp is usally around high 70s-low 80s.

I have an rough diagram of my starter box below. Any other general comments on design, materials used would be greatly appreciated.

Cabinet Area: 22.5ft^3
Grow Area: 3.75ft^2
Lums/ft^2 = 8800 w/ HPS

Cab 1.jpg

Below is the list of major starter materials/items:

1) Sandusky® 30" Steel Storage Cabinet With 3 Fixed Shelves, Putty ($170)

2) HTGSupply Ultimate 250w HPS & MH Grow Light ($168)

3) GrowBright 4" Inline Fan (170cfm) & Carbon Filter Combo (HTG) ... ($120)

subtotal: $458

Thanks in advance


Active Member
Looks good - my advice would be save money and find a cabinet on craigslist or something.


Well-Known Member
Green, I'm not really sure what attracts you to that storage cabinet. You can get a purpose built tent for less than that with almost the same dimensions. If you elect to not grow for a few months, you can take it apart and not live with it. They are light and easy to move if you want to do that, they have cooling options built in. If you want a custom set up, see the husband and wife grow tent. It's a wood frame covered with panda film and was the model for mine, I just changed the dimensions to suit me. If your room temps are in the high 70's low 80's, the temps that you will want to grow at, I think that you are going to have a tough go. My guess is that the light, even with a fan, will push temps in that metal box 7-10 Deg. That metal cabinet will get hot and radiate heat even when the light is off, it will also conduct electricity, be careful. Good luck with whatever you elect to go with and welcome to RIU!