Please help with plantshat's wrong with them?


Please help me figure out what's wrong with my plants? I am assuming they shouldn't look like this, this is my first grow.


Light 12 on 12 off, 60 watt florescent lights, 4 lights in grow room with 2 plants.

Temperature is bout 70, to cold?

Humidity is about 55

Nutes are Schultz 15-10-15 (I stopped giving them nutes for a bit as I burned them awhile back but now I started giving nutes again mixed in when I water).

Soil is Schultz soil mixed with perlite.

Grown from seed (don't know what kind of seed)


Well-Known Member
60W is too little, I'd use two 120W on each, also the diet seems unbalanced whereas you're giving them too much N and less K.


Well-Known Member
Plants seem to strengh . So advice use Hps 150 w better growth for budsand if u use floro u must keep closer to your plants


New Member
With the lighting you have and for a first grow, they are not so bad. If you have caught the grow bug, I am sure you want to continue to grow. Put some $ together and get a better set up. And for Gosh sakes loose the tin foil. But at this point with all the stretching those plants are not gonna get much better since you are already well into flowering. Also, for floering you need to have a lower N and higher P rate on the nutes. Read, study, and learn my friend. Good luck and +rep for taking the leap into farming.


Well-Known Member
Thats about right for cfls. Still got a few more weeks yet and will swell more, dont overwater or overfeed as they are not consuming much.Try to invest in hps(flowering) and more cfls as they stretched too much in veg this grow.