Please help outdoor grow problem


Active Member
Alright well I was in my backyard lookin around where I usually smoke and I know I always throw the seeds on the ground I noticed I had a plant that sprouted and it was about 2 inches it was just a baby and had the first 4 leaves I knew that I could not leave it in that spot cause of my landlord so I dug it up and switched it to a pot later that dayi went to check on it and it was limp and had fallen over I then replanted it back to where it originally was and I am mostly wondering if it was any chance of survival please help and give some tips for future grows outdoors


Well-Known Member
just make sure when you pull it from the ground you dont damage the root structure.

you can put it in a pot, it might get droopy for a little while but as long as you water it right after you put it in the pot it should perk back up.


Active Member
Alright thanks but ya I'm sure I didn't damage the roots I made sure I dug it up and got to the bottom of the roots before I pulled it out


Well-Known Member
Alright thanks but ya I'm sure I didn't damage the roots I made sure I dug it up and got to the bottom of the roots before I pulled it out

when you transplant try to put it in a pot or bucket with soil thats going to be big enough for your grow so that you dont have to transplant again.

the more you have to transplant the more stress it causes the plant