Please Help Leaves Dying


Well-Known Member
Hi im in my 7th week of flowering the buds are quite small except on two of the plants and some of the leaves are dying at the tips curling up and turning yellow , they crumble between my fingers and some are just turning pale yellow and falling off , whaqt could this be any advice would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
normal dont worry about it when late flowering and harvest is soon on its way the leaves would turn yellow nothing to be frighten good luck


Well-Known Member
nice i was hoping that might be the reason , only about 20% of the hairs are red though is this normal as well ? still waiting on my scope to check out the trichomes


Well-Known Member
due your buds are money, you gonna be shocked at how much you gonna yield off that. better get a scope soon


Well-Known Member
I ordered it like 1 1/2 ago its still not fuckin here , i think one plant is about ready it has like 40 % red hairs at the bottom the top is like 30% red , gotta any drying suggestions , ive read alot but havent gotten any advice from an experienced grower , i dont want it to smell like hay