Plant problem diagnosis with pics


Active Member
Hey all I started my grow 2 and a half months ago and only in the last week encountered yellow leaves at the bottom I've been reading and found its most likely a nitrogen deffiency, I have been using this fertilizer for 2 months but only using it a qtr strength 5ml per 5 ltr. Should I be feeding more? I went to my local hydro shop and picked up some cal-max, according to the store attendant it was used for nitrogen and calcium deffiency so I mixed that up with my normal feedlng schedule, (which is once a week in between normal watering.) feed my plants Sunday then again Tuesday but still see no improvement, the question is
How long will I start to see some kind of improvement? And can my plant fully recover from this? it has been 3 days and only looks to be same if not worse.

Here are some pics View attachment 2421600View attachment 2421601View attachment 2421602


Active Member
I posted a pic, it's a fertilizer for hydro but I'm using it for soil, that's why I used qtr strength. See pic above foliage spray.


Well-Known Member
Give it a few more days. It can take a week or so to see improvement. And those nutes seem fine for giving them enough N. Good luck! I would start to up the nutes as you go.


Active Member
Yeah cool I think I will double the strength and see what happens, is it bad to feed again so soon?, feed sun and Tuesday already and was thinking of feeding thur or Friday not sure if its better to wait the week thou.?

it all happened so quick one day looking sexy as hell next day disaster, I forgot to mention I transplanted fr 5 gal pot to 10 gal pot on Sunday then treated the deffiency, maybe I should of waited to transplant once I fixed the deffiency o well hopefully it all works out.


Well-Known Member
If you just transplanted into bigger buckets what's in your bucket? If you have some goodies already in there you may want to wait a bit before feeding them directly. Food for thought!


Active Member
Yeah true I guess I overlooked all the nutes in the new soil that was put into the new bucket,thinking ill wait it out a week before another feed to see what happens, it's all a learning curve I guess.
Is it ok to cut off the really yellow dying leaves like in the pic above? Or is there no advantage in doing so


Well-Known Member
Yes you can cut off that dead shit. Give her a week or so in the new medium. Then slowly introduce nutes again. Probably qt tsp and work your way up. Don't want to burn them you'll lose a week or two.


Well-Known Member
the way yellow leaves won't recover. You will see deeper green and the spreading will slow. Deep blue green and clawing leaves is too much.


Well-Known Member
When did you transplant into new soil? If its a hot mix I wouldn't get to crazy. I notice for me when I transplant it takes about 3days to really see it start to take off with new soil.