Pineapple Express and purple punch help!


Well-Known Member
My girls are 4 weeks into flower from when I saw pistols. The branch’s have just started to look like they are in the pics which I don’t know what’s happening. And I’ve find a few bananas on the front right plant. I’ve checked the others but they have nothing on them. What should I do??



Well-Known Member
So where's the nanna's . You've just hacked at those branches and that's the end result of them healing if that's what your on about


Well-Known Member
I found 3 nanas on the 3 different lower buds on the first right plant. No balls or anything and on the two back plants there is nothing just lots of brown hairs. So unsure weather to finish then of or just chop them.


Well-Known Member
I found 3 nanas on the 3 different lower buds on the first right plant. No balls or anything and on the two back plants there is nothing just lots of brown hairs. So unsure weather to finish then of or just chop them.
Pull the nanners off of them with wet fingers so if pollen spills it’s rendered unviable, finish the plant. Seed plants will often throw a few nanners (especially when stressed while training) it happens sometimes it makes a few seeds most often they are sterile. Like mentioned above stems are fine that’s what they are suppose to look like after healing from the hacking you did


Well-Known Member
Pull the nanners off of them with wet fingers so if pollen spills it’s rendered unviable, finish the plant. Seed plants will often throw a few nanners (especially when stressed while training) it happens sometimes it makes a few seeds most often they are sterile. Like mentioned above stems are fine that’s what they are suppose to look like after healing from the hacking you did
Thank you for the reassurance mate, it’s only my 2nd grow and wanted to try lollipopping with the two Pineapple Express. Il just keep my eye out for any more nannas. The back two plants don’t seem to have any nanas they just have a lot of brown hairs. The trichomes are still quite clear. Hoping they still grow ok and give me some nice bud. Only doing this grow for personal


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the reassurance mate, it’s only my 2nd grow and wanted to try lollipopping with the two Pineapple Express. Il just keep my eye out for any more nannas. The back two plants don’t seem to have any nanas they just have a lot of brown hairs. The trichomes are still quite clear. Hoping they still grow ok and give me some nice bud. Only doing this grow for personal
It’ll be fine lollipoping or other stress training can cause nanners could be genetics could be a lot of things. I’ve had super smoke with a few seeds it’s more a nuisance than anything especially if it’s small time personal


Well-Known Member
Yea tbh mate my lost grow all I did was LST and got great results! Managed 4 ounce dry on both plants. So il probably stick to that next time. Just getting paranoid now that my whole crop is fucked. But I haven’t seen any nanas or anything on the back plants. Was only 3 nanas on the front one. All plants smell amazing tho


Well-Known Member
Yea tbh mate my lost grow all I did was LST and got great results! Managed 4 ounce dry on both plants. So il probably stick to that next time. Just getting paranoid now that my whole crop is fucked. But I haven’t seen any nanas or anything on the back plants. Was only 3 nanas on the front one. All plants smell amazing tho
They are fine at most you’ll have a few seeds in the plant but that doesn’t mean it’s ruined


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your help and reassurance dude. Scary time when u see something like that this close to harvest.
No problem man. Also I would say you have over a week left maybe 2 don’t chop early it’s a big mistake when you are “sure” they are ready, give them another 5-7days. You’ll be glad you did if you can resist I know it’s tempting to cut down when they start looking done but hold off on it and thank me later


Well-Known Member
No problem man. Also I would say you have over a week left maybe 2 don’t chop early it’s a big mistake when you are “sure” they are ready, give them another 5-7days. You’ll be glad you did if you can resist I know it’s tempting to cut down when they start looking done but hold off on it and thank me later
Yea that’s good advice thank you mate. There all an 7-8 week strain so I think ur probably right. They will only have a few weeks left anyway. There on week 5 from tomorrow . I’ve got a good microscope to keep an eye on the trichs


Well-Known Member
Yea that’s good advice thank you mate. There all an 7-8 week strain so I think ur probably right. They will only have a few weeks left anyway. There on week 5 from tomorrow . I’ve got a good microscope to keep an eye on the trichs
oh man I didn’t realize the bud pics posted aren’t yours.
Best way to tell is trichs! Wait till your seeing amber in the buds not on the leaves.
and I’ve never seen a plant or clone finish in 7 weeks it just isn’t enough time breeders will fudge them numbers a lot especially ones from across the pond. Even 8 weeks it’s short but possible although kinda rare63-70 days actual flower time seems to be what most hybrids need.


Well-Known Member
Yea these ones are mine mate. they haven’t really started to swell yet. Just gna keep an eye out for nanas now until there ready to chop.

