Phresh Filters VS. Can-Filters ?

Which carbon filter is better?

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ai works in the sell biznisses many long times. ia noes everthing bouts the filtars.

hours arr besstest fo shure, buy buy buy from uss, we are betterer than anyones ever.

i dont care, care no, not care less, im not promoting our shop, just dont buy from anyone cos theyre wrong uknow.

Prove it then.... i is a haf explaineinged soo menne thymes now...

woooooooowooooooo...... rollitup cant stopping us. wee gots this shit on lock!!

fukk t modz.

mr ganja, hoody hooo....TROLLOP

You sir, are my hero.

Was thinking about one of these..

Anyone know a cheap place to get them? Cheapest I've found is 250USD (300NZD) to New Zealand for a 6" 400CFM Phresh Filter here.
a trick to making your filters last longer is to vaccum to pre-filter monthly or change it every 6 months. And it helps to roll the filter on the floor to "re-distrubute" the air pockets in the carbon. Its supposed to help freshen the filter back up some and add to the life of any filter. I use the presh filters and have for a couple of years now and dont have any odor issues.

Your first tip is good advice but if you have to roll your filter around to "re-distribute" the carbon, your filter is a POS. A properly filled and packed filter will have no air pockets.

Small filters that are spent can be baked in a oven, burning off the VOC's. You could bake a large one too if you have a big enough oven.

A few hours at 450f ,or hotter, and its good as new.
Never used Can but my phresh works perfectly.
Negative pressure in my room, pushed under my house into a 24" phresh.
0 smell anywhere. But if I leave the door open for even a few minutes it smells terribly so I know the system works.
I can not imagine you would get different results with any good quality filter as long as you mind the recommended pressures.
I'm thinking of trying a Phresh filter myself been using Active Air 75 Carbon Filters for 6 years now and sick of the wight and having to take the top off and spray foam in and replace the top cause the carbon dose not make a seal to the top of the filter Active Air has piss poor quality control but it was the only filter I could get in the town were I live. With the Phresh if they will work as good or hopefully better it will be worth getting raped on the shipping..

Also , I have used a canair filter and it worked awesome but the filter was 200 dollars and the shipping was almost 270 and although the filter worked well it was not worth 475 dollars.
With the Phresh 8x24 159 bucks and 68 for shipping I can live with that.
I have a phresh. Seems to work great, but I don't have experience with other filters and I am trying to grow low-stink strains.
You can reactivate those big filters by asking your local powder coater to run them in their oven. It will be a lot cheaper than a new filter.

Phat or Phresh is what I use and recommend.
using an 8x24 phresh venting out between me and the neighbor and very little if any smell at all. If I leave the grow room door open while im in there and have to shut off the exhaust the whole house stinks so I can attest to phresh filters doing their job. several ghost train haze #1's in there by the way along with a few others so you know its not that im running stink free plants
Been running a phresh filter for yr now, still zero smell.
Not sure on other filters, but phresh can be run as a pull or push thru. Gives a few more options when setting up vent system.
UPDATE I tried 2 phresh filters they suck ass lots of dust everywhere and did not do much for odor :( 6x24 and a 8x24 after that I got 2 8x40 canlite filters and no dust and they are working 100% better than the phresh filters ... I think phresh filters are shit I'll never waste my money on them again, they may do ok with less smellier strains but they are piss poor for stopping Critical Kush odor.
i used phresh filters and i got great results. i think you will always have a little odor more so when you are handling your girls .i also think the higher you can have your filters the better they can filter the odor.