Pesticide using Tobacco leaves?


Well-Known Member
The nicotine is a killer of most things in liquid form, i use it on the veg garden to kill aphid's etc. but never on the lovely lady's.
Ya might not know but the nicotine extracted from 1 ciggarete is enough to kill a human if taken in a single dose !! scary shit.
your better off finding something else for whichever beasty problem you have, Neems good

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
im no expert on growing but i know for a fact you could make your plants sick by simply touching them after smoking cigs, so i imagine that would be a bad idea


Well-Known Member
It's always better to ask and feel a fool,
Than to not ask and be one.
some wise guy said that.
Enjoy :weed:

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
There are so many better options why bother with tobacco tea- yuck. Get some neem oil and Monterey garden spray and maybe some diatomaceous earth to have on hand. These 3 products are all I have ever needed when I had a pest issue. Neem is good for controlling thrips & gnats but not as good as avoiding overwatering in the first place which attracts them. Monterey garden spray has spinosad which kills thrips (aphids, whiteflies) usually with just one or 2 applications. DE is a preventative measure but keeps the gnats away plus is a source of silica. Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
There are so many better options why bother with tobacco tea- yuck. Get some neem oil and Monterey garden spray and maybe some diatomaceous earth to have on hand. These 3 products are all I have ever needed when I had a pest issue. Neem is good for controlling thrips & gnats but not as good as avoiding overwatering in the first place which attracts them. Monterey garden spray has spinosad which kills thrips (aphids, whiteflies) usually with just one or 2 applications. DE is a preventative measure but keeps the gnats away plus is a source of silica. Hope that helps
Reason i ask was because im growing tobacco this year

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Not saying don't do it just there are better options available; understandable if you've got a crop of tobacco and there are several recipes you can find online using tobacco, hot sauce, garlic, etc as bug repellant. I've tried making tea with cigarettes long ago but it didn't work as well as neem oil or DE to repel gnats plus it was quite narsty