Pc grow Training question?


Well-Known Member
Hey all!

About to start my PC grow and wanted to get a few thoughts and suggestions.

So i am growing in a 10W X 24D X 26H " pc case. First question is how many plants?

I thought about just doing one and having it take up the whole case. Or two should fit fine.

Or another option would be do do one or two flowering then make a small compartment for a plant to Veg that way it was more perpetual?

Ok then besides all that i really need to ask what training style is best suited for a pc case? I first thought LST would be the best but after looking at supercropping and topping they both look promising. Or should i do a combo?

If anyone has any experience or suggestions i would love to hear from you

Thanks BM:weed:


Well-Known Member
ive seen great results then topping and LST are combined. let one of the main tops grow up(if you have space for it) and train the other branch down to the side of the box

are you gonna buy seeds? id get a low ryder or some thing like that for height purposes


Well-Known Member
I have some pretty dank bag seeds that i wanted to first do it with.
I might buy some seeds for my next grow though.