Painted Black


I posted a thread a couple days ago and was ouestioning when to chop. Today makes 46 days of 12-12. I was advised not to chop yet. I was just looking the girls over and saw something I hope someone can and will explain. The buds are big and solid with hairs about half brown half white. The problem is, The false seed pods are turning dark grey or black wher the two sides come together... The lips so to speak. Does this indicate they are going by or having some sort of problem. I have pics posted in this forum under double if anyone cares to look. This is a very nice grow and I don't want to fuck it up. If anyone can shad some light on this black lip thing I would be very happy to listen. Thank You.


Well-Known Member
Are there seeds in them?

If you think the buds are big and solid now, wait a few more weeks...


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that maybe he was seeing is not actually the calyx but the tip of a seed growing inside.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he is describing mature beans in calyx; I can't tell from his previous pictures though.


Well-Known Member
Any reason he can think of to cut them early I guess. Those buds wouldn't have mature beans yet at that stage.


Not to worry, 'm patient enough. I haven't been a member of this forum very long, So I will have plenty of questions for a while. This black stuff has me worried. I think it has something to do with the light being to close, but I'm not happy guessing. I'm kinda thinking( Geencat ) summed up my feelings. "Can't be good." I should be able to get some better pics tonight. I will also remove a piece of the stuff and break it down for a closer look. Thanks for your input, Very gratefull. Later.


020.jpgOk I got some pics with proper light. I think it tells a different story. Please Please Please Take another look and tell me what you think.Again I am not looking to chop for the sake of chopping. I want the best results I can get and I want to understand how they got there. Again the first plants are f 35's. Advertised to be done in 45 days. The others are, I believe, Iranian G13's they should finish in about 55 days. But i'm not positive thats 027.jpg011.jpgwhat they are so I am trying to use good judgement and better advice to determine when they are done. 004.jpg008.jpg009.jpg019.jpg023.jpg026.jpgI had a hard time getting the black to show up. on pic 1 look at 11 and 4 o;clock on the bud . On pic 3 look at the back of the top leaves. Thank You.
I have more pics if it will help. Later.


looks like they r nute locked,flush them with som good solution,and just give them straight water for a few weeks,hope this helps


Well-Known Member
The first picture looks like it could be a week away, I don't see any new growth.
They seem like they've had too much nutrients. Burned tips + curling under leaves= first signs


Well-Known Member
Flushing, or just water with RO/plain water with your regular schedule and they should recover.

The first pictured plant looks finished, probably should harvest it.
It also seems to be spitting out "nanners" in that picture.


Well-Known Member
I get dark/purp tips on my calyx when they are fully swollen too. It's natural for some finished plants.


Well-Known Member
Those plants are nowhere near done.

The problem with the leaves looks to be caused by excessive heat. Is it only happening near the top of the plant? What are your temps?

I would check the environmental factors before you flush or add any fertilizer. If it is environmental, youll only cause more problems by treating it as a nutrient issue.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, hang a thermometer next to the leaves closest to the bulb.
If your getting steady temps above 85, could be causing the problem.
I've yet to disagree with anything from MYOB^

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Those plants are nowhere near done.

The problem with the leaves looks to be caused by excessive heat. Is it only happening near the top of the plant? What are your temps?

I would check the environmental factors before you flush or add any fertilizer. If it is environmental, youll only cause more problems by treating it as a nutrient issue.
While heat/Humidity may be an issue in the environment there are clear signs of over fertilization on his plants IMO. If heat was the underlying cause you would see the leaves curling from the outside up in an effort to reduce surface area. If light intensity was a problem, bleaching would be evident. Serious eagle clawing due to over fertilization is usually predominant at the tops especially at this stage of flower. While environment should be checked, I think a flush or at least a reduction in fertilization is in order. Not trying to start a fight here, just trying to help.-S0uP


Well-Known Member
yo im gonna keep it real cause no one here is seeing what im seeing. but i see a mass pollination that occurred your ladys still look like they got time to go about 2-3 weeks when the seed would be done.


Well-Known Member
Flushing, or just water with RO/plain water with your regular schedule and they should recover.

The first pictured plant looks finished, probably should harvest it.
It also seems to be spitting out "nanners" in that picture.
Yeah I saw them in his picture, hard not seeing them...yellow dicks
+that's why those calyx look more swollen> from the pollenation.


Well-Known Member
I never let a female plant from bean out my sight until it's fully finished.
Those yellow dicks can spit out anywhere/anytime from stress/genes.
Mostly caused by the grower from stressing the plant.^

I've had perfectly green+healthy plants herm. next to true females which was in its genes.
When your environment is dialed in with no stress, then you know if it's in the beans genes.