P kush and sativa updated Pics....


Well-Known Member
tallest plant(sativa) is in a 4 1/2 gallon white bucket the short purple kush is in a 6gallon...when should i be expecting the purple color change on the Pk? ive been giving them 15-30-15 nutes and there using it great with weight gain on the buds. ive also been using maple syrup as a substitute for molasses and there doing well.

dose anyone have a guesstimate on the yield? one is 3ft 6in and pk is 2ft 3in





Well-Known Member
Real Maple Syrup or Log Cabin type of maple syrup?
Adding molasses to your feedings really does very little for the plant its self. Adding the molasses has nothing to do with "bud sweetness" or "sugars" in the buds. Molasses acts as food for the micro-beasties in your soil who are eating, farting, shitting and fucking in there. The more you can get them to do all of that, that's when you get your BIG FAT DANK BUDS. Keeping your soil rich and alive is the best path to healthy plants. Healthy plants equal BIG FAT DANK BUDS!
No more then 1 tbls of molasses a week (i use between 1-2 tsps/gallon a week in my humas/compost tea's). Good to use thru the flush.
Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro where did you get the PK from??????? I just got some from attitude its called early purple kush.

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
I think 1 hefty zip per would be average for those girls. Not too bushy. Nothing wrong with a solid zip per though. Looks fire, sir.


Well-Known Member
lol the cola weights a zip it wobbles the whole pk plant back and fourth and its about 3ft now..+the sativa needs more time they drag its already going to hit 4ft .and and ive been giving them higher dosage of nutes..by the way these pics are 3weeks old ; )