over watering problems


Active Member
hello everyone, im just started my second DWC grow. im growing 4 plants, which are about 3 weeks old. Each plant is in a 6 gallon bucket, the problem is all 4 plants are showing signs of over watering. The leaves are curling down along the edges and the leaves are drooping. If this is over watering, how do i get around it. Only the roots are in the nutrient, the pot holding the plant doesnt touch the water. Each pot has its own air supply and my EC level is 1.7 with a PH of 5.8. i would be very grateful for any advice as I had the same problem with my first grow and until i know what im doing wrong its going to keep happening.. many thanks for reading this:-P


Well-Known Member
You need more air.. How far up the net pots is the water? The water shouldn't be right on the root ball. You need to let the roots grow in to the water..

Also you need to change your water out every 1 - 2 weeks.. New water, new nutes..


Active Member
Hi, thanks for the quick reply. The net pots dont touch the water at all. each bucket has 3 gallons of water in them, this leaves about a 1 inch gap between water and net pot. Ive taken a couple of pics to show you. there not the greatest as they were taken on my camera phone. they do show how the leaves are curling and how much root growth there is. any more advice would be great.. thanks again :leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
what kind of air pump are you using on it looks like you need more bubbles going over watering is not supposed to be a issue in DWC if you have sufficient oxygen in the water only other thing i can think of is too much nutes.


Active Member
its a 4 outlet pump. each bucket get abt 2.5l or 1/2 a gallon of air a min. do you think thats enough?? nutes are at 1.7 EC


Well-Known Member
that all sounds legit to me nutes and all what kinda light you using hps im assuming from the pics i ask because i had a similar prob with my first grow with a 600w mh it burned the plants so bad the leaves looked the same curled very brown and crispy dont know if this is your prob just a thought


I haven't grown a thing yet JG24, but I'd like to help, because I don't want the same unexplainable thing happening to me!!

A 6 gal bucket is what, 18" high? 3 gal's of water takes up 9" of that? We're expecting the bubbles to shoot the water up the remaining 9"? How wet is the bottom of your lid? A light mist? Dripping wet? Dry? I personally am not knowing any of the answers to all these questions but I'm sure someone else does ....

I haven't seen any discussion of environment. Are you in a tent? Closet? Any temp control?

What kind of water? Tap or RO? If RO I've read you'll need to add Calcium and Magnesium back into the water because the reverse osmosis takes it out. I would assume any sort of distilled water would need the Cal/Mag added back, but I've been wrong before.

You mentioned this is your 2nd grow, how did the 1st turn out?


Active Member
hi, i'll try to answer all your Qs. when i first put my plants into buckets i use just enough water to get the roots which are hanging out of the pot wet. so the bucket is about half full. once the roots are growing well i fill the bucket so its about 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the net pot. the pot does get a little wet from the bubbles but the lids doesnt get wet. grow room is a tent 1m x 1m x 2m. i use and extracter fan with a carbon filter. ive also got a couple of small fans blowing on the plants, thats it. the temp stays pretty good but with the odd fluctuation. i use tap water and Canna aqua nutrients, which seems fine. my first grow was ok, but i stressed the plants some how( i dont know what i did wrong) and that changed my females to males during flowering and that left me with loads of seeds and not as much bud. i should have kept a closer eye on them and then i would have seen the change happening and would've cropped earlier. sorry for taken ages to reply, i hope this is of some help..
Try this test with one bucket: Get a fresh batch of water, let it sit out for a day. Next day dump out your solution and put the new water in. PH balance it to around 5.5 and don't add any nutes for a day or two and see how the plant reacts. If that helps, then you definitely used too much nutes. If that doesn't help after 2 days, try running an air line directly to the bucket.