Outdoor Soil Mix on a Budget Need Help


Well-Known Member
I need 23 gallons worth of soil for an out door grow, 5 plants in 5 gallan buckets, they are currently in 1 gallon untill sexually mature. Since i need so much soil gox farm will cost a fortune, i need a simple soil mix preferably organic, but im on a 30$ probably 35$ at most. Whats a good soil mix? And were to get them?


Well-Known Member
Get you some patio plus then at HD 5 bucks for 1.5 cu ft should feed plant for at least a month. Then you might want to try some fish emulsion for the rest of veg. by then you should have some money for bloom. keepem green dirrtyd.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Promix is always a good option if you can find the bales cheap enough..a lot of people are shelling out 30-40 for a bale at hydro prices. I usually get them for 25 at a nursery. Promix with compost or worm castings is a great base if you don't mind picking up a few different ingredients.


Well-Known Member
if you dont want to pay for the promix even, you can buy a 3cuft bale of peat and add 8 quarts of perlite and 4-5 cups of dolomite lime and bam you have a lil more than 3 cuft of promix for around 15 bux. BTW 1 cuft of soil is 7.5 gallons so that should make you around 24.5 gallons with the perlite added... then figure out what u want to use for nutes a good slow release chemical will run you bout 10bucks or some good organics mixes like espoma plant tone do well also


Active Member
currently im growing in a peat/organic topsoil mixture. then i add about 20% total volume of perlite. and 10-15% wormcastings or organic compost.
then a few cups of dolomite lime. also if using organic nutes(super cheap at the garden centers in bulk) add now like blood meal bone meal kelp meal rock dust, etc.

goodluck and remember, not too spongy not too airy. just a nice happy mix :)


Well-Known Member
go to garden store take a garbege can or five gallon buckets ask for mushroom soil mix in bone meal and alfalfa pellets. and lime