outdoor growing with lights ????


Active Member
Hello, im new to this site and to the whole growing scene ive been reading alot of your journals and threads they have really helped me... Im intrested in growing my first trees now my only problem I cant grow inside yet so im wondering if theres anyway to do an outdoor grow but with lights my reason I dont think there will be enough light for the only spot i have outside to grow my trees.. The area I have is only getting about 5 hours of good direct sun.. Now i know this might sound weird but info would be appreciated..Thanks sorry for it being so long.bongsmilie


Active Member
I am young (21) but I dont see how that has anything to do with my question.. I live in miami it doesnt snow here....


Active Member
I understand about the season and why its not wise to grow now i wanst going to try to plant it now in the winter.. but even in may or june whatever month the spot i have wont get more than 5 to 6 hrs of sunlight which is why i was thinking of that idea i know its weird and stupid but im just asking if it would work and if its been done


Well-Known Member
sorry but i agree with willie it is a kinda question some1 about 14 would ask thats why he said it sorry xD
but i duno why u cant grow indoors with lights but can outside ?? its guna be more obvius to any1 + what u guna do about rain ?


Active Member
ya i kno it was a stupid question and no im not 14 trust me if it was up to me i would have a room just for my plants but i dont live alone yet and i was just Curious...I think im going to just do them in my tool shed it has electricity so i can setup fans and lights... it gets hot and humid in there so any ideas how i could setup an exhaust ?


Well-Known Member
well if u need help settin up the shed let me kno i got bout 6 girls just started in mine and there doin pretty good but im doin hydro in there, im a beginner to outdoor grow but i have a few plants outside to and i just move the pots around to fallow the sunlight and i move them indoors at nite so they dont freeze lol good luck bro


Active Member
hey marksk85 ya i would love to see ur setup im probally only going to do 3 to 4 plants and i dont mind investing some money its bad enough im paying 300-500 a month on over priced grass


Active Member
5 hours of direct sunlight should be good enough from my experiences. Grow using the biggest light you can, the sun


Active Member
A plant only needs 5 hours minimum to grow outside, so it should be all good, and its not like the plant isnt getting light when the suns out but not directly on the plants, its just not as much and wont grow as fast


Well-Known Member
im workin on pics my comp. is causin alil dificulty wit it but i should have sum up soon, r u lookin 2 do soil or hydro?


Well-Known Member
i move my plant to follow the sun... except i live on a mountain..with no neighbors..haha.. aye..move your plant..or find a new spot... hot and humid even with exhaust...you'll have problems... my plant sits outback.. best light is the sun... even in december!!


Well-Known Member
You could use a greenhouse. Add supplimental lighting to bring it up to the 12/12 photoperiod.