Our first grow


This is our first grow, I think we are doing pretty well. Currently we are running two 1000w lights, one open air hood and one air cooled hood. As of today the strains that flowering are Jack 47, Trainwreck, OG kush, Bubba kush, Aurora indica and Sour Diesel we have multiples of some strains. In veg there is OG, Lemon Haze and Sweet Tooth. Here are some pictures, if you see anything I could do better or more efficient, let me know.

That's Jack 47, it has grown to be as tall as the paper towel roll and will fillout in width. Very long floweringtime on this one.

Jack 47, it is growing almost vertically.

Trainwreck, very nice growing plant have two of those

Good view of the flowering room



Active Member
Looks great for a first grow. I didnt even take pics of my first grow since it was super pathetic and sad. +1 rep though and subed, would like to see how this progesses.

Well +1 rep tomarrow, says I have given too much in the last 24 hours :cry:
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Thank you very much. I will keep it updated regularly, I wish I would have done this from the start. Most of them have been in bloom for 8-9 weeks but the Jack 47 has been in for 10 now and I'm expecting another 4.


Active Member
Jack 47 is Sativa, or very Sativa infulences I expect? Still new here and learning, but I think 14 weeks sounds like a sativa flowering time. Right?


Mostly sativa 75/25 I believe. It's going to be a nice producer I wouldn't be surprised to get a 1/2 lb it is huge.What strains have you grown?


I think for some sativas can go that far. I don't think many indica go that long, we still have a lot to learn but I love learning about this stuff it's amazing stuff.


Active Member
My first attempt was some Mr. Nice Guy clones I got from the dispensery. They ended up being a joke since I didnt have the lighting and I really had no idea of what I was doing. Was great for a learning attempt though and I am doing much better this time as my journal is showing. This time I am doing some Fire OG clones that I got from a friend, and it is going much better this time. Today was my 12/12 switch, so i am hopefull things will continue going well and to learning more and more.


We got clones from a friend as well it's a double edged sword, you can get great strains already a decent size but you also carry their mites which you may have to fight for a long time because of it. I read you thread, we are battling the mites too got some of the spray bombs and won't use them after what I read they can do to plants. I've heard good things about Fire OG.


Active Member
Good luck against the mites. I use Might Wash and I will say, the spider mites I had are now gone and leaves are looking great. I am thinking (and hoping) what I am seeing in the soil is soil mites and that is a good thing, means my soil is doing good. I dont know for sure yet however, but I will say that they arent seeming to be trying to crawl onto the plant, or effecting it negatively yet. I am keeping a close eye on it however.


Active Member
Isnt fungus gnats. What I am seeing look like spider mites, but slightly larger and more clear then yellowish. Also missing the spots from the spider mites I did have earlier. Also, using airpots and no signs of over watering. but thanks for the comment. made me learn what fungus gnats look like lol.

Sorry for the hijack there Clet. Wont let it happen again :)



No problem at all. Use a magnifier to see what is causing the spots. I used Mighty Wash the first time I noticed them but it didn't seem to work as good as the liquid ladybug did for me.


Active Member
hell ya..those look delicous..i know if my first grow wud look like tht id be uber excited..but then again my first grow is going now and on like $100 budget which i spent $60 on lights lol keep it up brobeans! :weed:


Thanks everybody. Sorry I have been gone for so long, we have been busy cut down three plants so far. The first was Sour Diesel she turn out ok but the last two harvested are Lemon Kush and OG kush and very nice yield and buds. I'll put up pics soon. Also we put all the OG plants from veg to bloom two that are 3 ft already.